You won't be laughing tonight

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You and Niall were in the Tonight Show dressing room along with all the other boys, the boys were all looking very smart, all in tight black jeans. Niall in particular had a short sleeved, slightly fitted black shirt on with a pair of black boots that resembled Harrys slightly. "how do I look babe?" He asked "eh, okay" you teased him "oh really babe, does it look better like this?" he asked as he undid one more button which did in fact make it look better, if that was even possible "babe, I was only joking, you could go out naked and still look great" you joked "and I am sure you would love that" he smirked and in response you playfully smacked him. "would you two stop flirting, we have to go" Louis sassed in a fake annoyed tone. "I will see you after babe, love you" He said giving you a kiss on the cheek and running to catch up with the other boys.  What Niall didn't know was, you had planned to stand behind the camera man and attempt to distract him and make him laugh, so you also walked out the room and towards the interview set. Just as you got seated behind the camera man at an empty seat you heard Jimmy Fallon introduce the boys "and next, these boys will burst your ovaries, it's One Direction" he said as he laughed, the introduction was followed by a loud applause and a chorus of wolf whistles. As the boys walked out, their song Story of My Life played and they all waved to the audience, Niall still not noticing you, it took him until he sat down and looked to the camera and you saw him grin at you causing you also to grin.  "so welcome boys, so nice having you on the show" Jimmy said extending his hand to each of the boys "it's great to be here Jimmy, thanks for having us" Niall said looking back towards Jimmy. "So first things first, how is the tour going?" Jimmy asked to which Liam answered "it's going great, we always love touring in the states, we always get a warm welcome, it's nice" "well that's good, you had any crazy fan experiences so far?" Jimmy then asked looking down at the notecards he had "I don't think anything too bad this time but we have had some weird ones in the past" Louis joked "I can only imagine" Jimmy chuckled, just then Niall looked round to the camera and you made a rude gesture with your mouth, knowing he would get distracted, when you see him shift around slightly  you smirk to yourself. "ok so I have this request, could you all look into the camera and say the following things?" Jimmy said trying to suppress a laugh "I'm kind of scared, just seeing as you are laughing" Harry said, a little smile tugging at his lips as he faced the camera, Niall was the last one to  look at the camera and just as he did so you bit your lip slightly knowing the effect it has on his, again he shifted uncomfortably and then bent over "you okay there Niall, you seem a bit unsettled?" Jimmy said chuckling, by this point the other boys had caught on to what you were doing and Louis was smirking "yeah are you alright, sit back relax" Louis said, knowing Niall had a little problem "no no I am fine" Niall said frowning his eyebrows slightly "ok if you say so, so back to the challenge, I want you all to say 'Cause, girl, you're perfect, You're always worth it, And you deserve it, The way you work it' and make all those girls out their have new ringtones" As soon as Jimmy said this Nialls face went bright red and you just cracked up, it wasn't so awkward for you though seeing as the whole audience was laughing too. The reason you were laughing was because this was the song Niall and you had sex to just the other night, hence why Niall went bright red. After all the boys said it in the camera and then sat back Liam then noticed Nialls bright red face "you okay Niall, you seem very affected by that song" he said laughing "yeah yeah, why is everyone on my back tonight" Niall laughed it off. "well boys that's all we have time for tonight, but hopefully you will be on the show soon" Jimmy said and then the producer put his hand up signalling an ad break. Right then you walked back to the dressing room and waited for Niall to walk back in with the other boys and when they did, everyone but Niall was laughing then you heard Louis say "good job, Niall had a hard on the whole time" as he high fived you causing you to laugh. Niall then walked over to you and when the others weren't looking he whispered in your ear "you won't be laughing tonight" causing you to immediately stop laughing

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