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   After Danny got off the phone with Jimmy he dialed the number the kid had given him.  After three rings a woman picked up the phone,


"Hi, is Merrill home?"

"It's kind of late to be calling don't you think?" She said matter of factly.

"I'm sorry, he told me I could contact him at this number. It's kind of important."

"Really?" She asked, "What could be so important that you need to call my son at this hour; it's almost ten o'clock you know."

"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't realize it was so late. It has to do with the accident in the canyon. I have some information I think he would like to know."

"I would be pretty interested to know anything he would be interested to know.  He's been gone a lot lately and it's becoming a problem. Who am I talking too?"

Danny was being as polite as he knew how. He didn't expect to be talking to Merrill's mother tonight. He didn't think the data he wanted to pass to the kid should be going to his mom and he wasn't particularly interested in giving his name to her. 

"I'm sorry ma'am" He went on, "I didn't realize he was living with his parents; do you think it would be OK for me to speak to him if he is home?"

"I want to know who I'm talking to first, do you have a name?"

He thought about this for a moment, weighing the chances of giving his name to a stranger and what harm it could do.  He decided to take his chances and give her his name.

'Danny Ma'am, my name is Danny, I'm friends with Heather, the girl in the hospital. I'd rather talk to your son and then you can ask him what's going on if it's OK. No disrespect ma'am, I just don't want to disrespect Merrill, I'm sure you can understand that ma'am."

There was a quiet moment on the line, then he heard from a distance.

"There's some guy named Danny on the phone for you Merrill, He doesn't want to talk to your mother if I don't mind."

"Oh, Ma, why do you have to mess with my friends?"

"Hello, this is Merrill."

"Dude, why didn't you tell me you were still living with your people? 

"I just assumed."

"Don't assume anything when it comes to me, it makes an ass out of u and me; got it?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I'll try to watch it,"

"So is Michelle all right, she was having a bad day,"

"Yeah, she's OK, I stayed the night with her."


"Not like that, I slept on the couch, I was afraid she might freak out if she woke up alone but she was fine the next morning."

"Have you seen Heather lately?"

"No, I was planning on going to see her tomorrow. It's been a few days, she's probably wondering what the hell is going on."

"That's a good idea young blood, maybe take Michelle with you."

"That's the plan, she's sposed to come pick me up in the morning."

"She seems like a good chick, you might want to hold on to that one."

'I don't think you called to talk about my love life, Danny."

"OK, here's the deal; I talked to my friend and he's willing to help you with your little problem."

'Oh yeah, what problem is that?"

"Are you fucking kidding me? Dale's head!"

" Oh yeah, that problem; it's been a couple days since I've had that problem."

"Well then never mind, I don't want to waste my friends time."

"No no," He interrupted, "I'm sure he'll turn up when I'm least expecting it !"

"OK then, here's what's going to happen. You and me are going to meet him at the crash sight, his name is Jimmy and he's not exactly, what you would call, normal.  He's an albino, do you know what that is Merrill?"

"Yeah, we had a kid at school who was an albino. Totally white with pinkish eyes, had to stay out of the sun."

"Right, exactly, so I don't want you to give him any weird looks, he's sensitive about his appearance just like he's sensitive about a lot of other things.  He knows how to make this thing go away but you have to do exactly what he says; OK?"

"Sounds a little spooky, guess I better not bring Michelle."

"It's going to be more than a little spooky and definitely not a place for Michelle. I will meet you at the turn out to Vogel Flats at 7:00 O'clock sharp and don't be late."

"OK, I'll be there."

"Oh, and from now on, you call me, I don't want to talk to your parents. We're big boys now and this is some big boy business, Got It?"

"Yes Sir, I got it."

'Alrighty then, I'll see you when I see you."

He then hung up.

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