Chapter 29

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"Say that again, Chicken Wing."

"Okay, first, it's Nightwing. And second, I'm just saying that she should sit this one out. She's too emotional and too much of a liability, considering this matter revolves around her." Said Nightwing. Truthfully, even he didn't know what he was doing. After a much calmer discussion, everyone agreed to keep things amicable until the crisis was averted. Something that he realises that he's messing up currently.

"Yeah, well, a) I don't care, Chicken Wing. And b) She didn't choose to be stuck in the middle of all this, but she's done a good job of stepping up and facing everything that gets thrown at her. Emotional? Hah! She's more level-headed in this situation compared to me since I have half a mind to shove -"

"Okay! Why don't we all take a second calm-" Riku tried to placate but immediately shrunk in on himself when met with the piercing glare of the two men, "down...I'll just...let you two settle this..." With that, he retreated back to his previous spot beside Sho. The two continued glaring down at each other while those around them stood by nervously. No one knew where the situation would lead to if they let them be. So, Kid Flash took one for the team and stepped up to defuse things before it could escalate into something physical.

"Listen, Nightwing, I know you want to make things right with Chiara, but this isn't the way to go. We messed up bad, especially you. The best thing we can do now is leave her alone and focus on this whole light and darkness mumbo jumbo." He reasoned.

Just then, the sound of an alarm started blaring all around them. But it wasn't the cave's alarm. The alarm came from Tecna, who whipped out all her devices to see what was going on.

"It's from Jeanbot." Said Tecna as she swiped and tapped at the holograms floating in front of her. In a matter of seconds, her expression turned from serious to grave

"It's Armadus. He's here with his entire fleet!"

While they were unaware of the arrival of Armadus's fleet, Chiara, Conner, and a few leaguers were busy handling the dark ghouls that suddenly appeared in Metropolis.

One minute, she was catching up with Conner. The next, a dark ghoul came crashing through the window of the diner they were in. Chiara tried contacting Winx and ultras, but no one was answering. Not only that, but the appearance of all these ghouls could only mean one thing.

The Shadow Spark was making its comeback.

Right as a ghoul was about to strike her from behind, a wave of sound ripped through the air and disintegrated it into pink sparkles. Chiara spun around to see Musa with her hand outstretched like how they normally would when they cast spells.

"Girls!" Chiara exclaimed in relief.

"Sorry for all the missed calls. There was an emergency at the cave." Said Bloom as she burnt another ghoul with her flames.

"And by emergency, she means Armadus is here." Came Aisha, which made Chiara do a double take.


"The ultras went ahead to take him on in space and keep him busy." Stelle chimed in.

Hearing all that made Chiara feel like her heart was rising up to her throat. The worst-case scenario they could imagine was happening. Not to mention, they were over riden with ghouls, yet the Shadow Spark was nowhere -


Scratch that. The ear piercing noise from the sky was more than enough to let them know of the Shadow Spark's location. Which was a giant portal at the centre of the city, high up in the sky.

A sense of deja vu suddenly hit her. The entire scene, it was achingly similar to how she...

"Chiara!" The sound of Flora calling out to her snapped her back to reality. Taking a deep breath, she tried her best to clear her mind and focus on the task at hand.

As she was wracking her brain, thinking of how to tackle the problem, an idea suddenly struck her. It was only a temporary fix, but it'll buy them some time to evacuate and think a plan.

"Girls! We need to do a Harmonic Convergence spell!" She yelled to her friends amidst the chaos. The rest of them wasted no time in getting to where she was a formed a circle.

Luckily, even in the middle of all the chaos, they were able to find harmony with each other and focus on the spell.

And with Harmonic Convergence, they were able to amplify Chiara light, which sent a massive wave of light that disintegrated all the ghouls in the city and then some.

Once they were done, the fairies slowly descended to the ground to gather themselves.

"You guys alright?" Asked Kid Flash as soon as he zipped over.

"We're fine. But we only have little time before those things come back." Tecna answered. And she was right. The portal in the sky was growing more chaotic and dangerous by the minute followed, continuous monstrous screams

"...We can't let Armadus get the Shadow Spark." Chiara suddenly spoke.

"We know that. But how are we gonna destroy it if we can't even go near it?" Came Tigress. At that, Chiara turned around with a heavy look on her face.

"You can't... But I can."

"Wait, wait, wait! You're not seriously thinking of going up there by yourself, right?" Aisha questioned in disbelief.

"I-We don't have a choice! If there's any chance of destroying that thing, then I need to face it head-on. I don't like it anymore than you do, but it's the only option we have."

"There has to be something else we can think of." Flora tried to argue.

"We don't have time to think. Those monsters could come back any minute now, and I don't think we can pull another Harmonic Convergence to hold them off." She didn't like it, but there was nothing else they could do with such little time.

By doing this, she knows she's risking death. Again. It was basically how she nearly died the first time.

"Chiara." Bloom gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Go on, we'll be waiting for you." Said Musa

"Come back safe. You haven't had your first date yet, and I'll be done if I don't help you into something nice." Stella joked, making the distraught fairy giggle.

"I love you girls..." She pulled them into a group hug. It was short, but it was sweet.

After getting a good look at each of the Winx, Chiara slowly turned around and prepared to take off. Just as she was about to flap her wings, someone called out to her.

"Chiara!" Glancing back, she was met with the a few members of the Team and Justice League.

"I know we've said this before, and you don't believe it, which we don't blame you...We're sorry. For everything we put you through." Tigress-Artemis- sincerely admitted.

Usually, in movies, moments like this are where all is forgiven. But this wasn't a movie. And despite how people often praise her kindness, the kindness she had for them was at an all-time low.

Call her bitter. Call her petty. But the one that suffered was her.

So with that, Chiara only pressed her lips into a thin line and focused on ahead.

Here goes nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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