𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖

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It had been a couple of weeks since Faith had left the new directions. She was still getting used to not having her brother with her all the time, she was even trying to convince Quinn to come join her but everything was up in the air. As Faith was sitting in an empty choir room during her free period, Finn came in, seemingly out of it.

"Oh crap, hey Faye. I was looking for you but wasn't actually expecting to find you here. Why are you in the new directions choir room and not the trouble tones? Are you rejoining?" Faith could tell that Finn was hoping her answer was yes, but unfortunately, she could not deliver it.

''Sorry Finn. No. I'm not rejoining, at least not until I can sit in this room without feeling a knot in my stomach. Anyway, I'm sitting here because I'm prepping for the musical by the end of the week. I never did Rocky Horror last year and I really want to do well. Being in here helps me with the emotional scenes. Why are you looking for me?''

Then looked nervous, he wasn't sure if this was something he should share with his twin sister but knew that she was the best person to help him.

''Rachel wants to come over tonight seeing as Mom and Burt are out of the house. I'm freaking out Faye, she wants to do it. And I'm happy to do it with her, I love her, but what do I do?''

''Okay, even though it was a little bit too much information, what I've gathered is I need to go somewhere else other than my home tonight and Rachel wants to have sex. Be prepared. Buy condoms, make it romantic and go at her speed. You've already done this, let her first time be special.''

''Oh crap, I'm so sorry I instantly went to panicking forgetting that you would be in the house. If you wouldn't mind?''

''I definitely wouldn't mind. I know this is a big night for you and Rachel so I will figure it out but you, you need to calm down. Step one is buying condoms, hopefully, one that won't make you a dad at 18, even though he's not the master at the non-pregnant thing, talk to Puck. He's probably had the most experience with everything.''

Faith could tell Finn was slowly settling. He started nodding before the bell rang to dismiss them to the next class.

''Okay, I have to go to math but you need to go talk to puck.''

Finn smiled at his sister before walking out the door and heading to the locker room. Even Faith didn't know if this was a subject she was willing to know.


Faith decided having to get out of her house was the perfect opportunity to have an Unholy Trinity sleepover. After talking with Quinn, she decided to host.

''So Quinn, how are the new directions without us?'' Brittany was the first to bring up that subject.

''It's okay. I miss you guys especially but we're also lucky that Rachel hasn't completely turned it into the Me Club. I think that's mostly because she's too busy with the musical. Part of me wishes I could join the trouble tones with you guys though, I'm thinking of talking to Shelby about it.''

Faith smiled, hoping that she would finally be in glee club with her best friend again.

''Honestly, I think we would like that too. I mean, The Vibes are different. Everyone gets their own chance and it would be cool to have you. But on your own terms.''

Just as Faith was finishing up her sentence, she noticed Santana and Brittany slowly get up and try to sneak out of the room, she didn't question it because she knew they were probably going to make out or something.

''Okay, now that they are gone, How are you actually doing?''

That was a loaded question. Faith knew Quinn meant well but getting into it was a lot.

Forever Intertwined | Sam EvansWhere stories live. Discover now