𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕤𝕙 𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣

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As Faith was sitting in Spanish class the following week, she had to stop herself from laughing as she was secretly filming Finn and a couple of the New Direction boys helping out Mr Schuster sing La Cucaracha for the class.

Faith knew that Santana was offended. They talked for weeks about Mr. Schue and his stereotypes when it came to teaching. But this, she knew Santana would never let go. And if Faith is being honest, she would happily help Santana complain after that ridiculous performance.


As Faith sat in the choir room the next day, cozying up with Sam, Mr Schuster came in Fast and Furious. Like he didn't want to forget whatever he was thinking. After he drew 2030 on the board, he looked at everyone to start his lesson.

''All right, guys! Let me ask you something. Where do you think you'll be in the year 2030?" He prompted.

"Broadway! Twinsies." Rachel and Kurt said together.

"Walking," Artie said with hope.

"In jail, or dead. Or both." No one said what they thought as they all looked at Puck weirdly for his statement.

"Wherever You Are, whatever you're doing, you're going to need to be able to speak Spanish. The reality is, by 2030, more people on this planet will be speaking Spanish than any other language. The world is changing. Our culture is changing. And that needs to be reflected in here. So for our next assignment, we're only doing songs written or performed by someone Latin, or of Latin descent. Or, English songs performed bilingually." Mr. Schue seemed excited about this lesson, and Faith had to admit she wasn't totally against it either.

"I'm bilingual," Brittany said innocently.

Faith quickly turned to her and rubbed her back before informing her that she wasn't bilingual, she was bisexual.

''Uh, Mr. Shue, though I love that we're finally getting all Lima Sound Machine in here, why now?" Santana asked.

"Oh, Santana, because it's long overdue. The truth is, I love all things Latin. I mean, I love Latin food, Latin art, Latin people..." Before Mr. Schue could finish his statement, Santana interrupted.

''You don't know any Latin people.''

But before Mr Schuster could prove Santana wrong A very handsome Latin man strutted his way into the choir room leaving all the girls in awe. Even faith couldn't stop her jaw from dropping.

''Guys, this is David Martinez. David Martinez, this is the Glee Club.'' Mr. Schue introduced.

''Oh my god, cutest...'' Rachel started.

"Smile..." Sugar continued.

"Ever," Faith said smiling huge. Until Sam lightly tasered her side to remind her he was sitting right there. She quickly dropped her smile before leaning into his arms again and whispering. "Don't worry baby, yours takes second."

Sam knew Faith was only half joking but he was going to make it a point to show Faith he could be just as cute as this David guy.

"David here is one of my many Latin friends. And, uh, he's interested in starting his own night school Glee Club, after hours. So, uh, I invited him to come watch us get our duende on." Mr. Schue seemed to be trying really hard to pretend like he knew what he was doing.

After Finn asked what Duende meant and Santana informed him it meant dwarf, everyone was confused about the whole point.

"Now I'm completely confused. So what's the assignment?" Sam asked causing Faith to laugh at his oblivion.

Forever Intertwined | Sam EvansWhere stories live. Discover now