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As the week started, Shelby wanted all the trouble tones in the auditorium to show them something. But, as they were coming out of the Wings, the new directions were coming onto the stage as well. Although surprised, Faith wasn't totally mad to see them.

''What are you doing here?"

"Shelby told us she had something to show us. What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Schue said the same thing."

"Let me guess, he wants to combine choirs for sectionals. Well, it's not going to happen. The trouble tones are here to stay. So why don't you shuffle your busted choir off our stage."

Faith had to admit, she loved seeing Santana so competitive, even if it was a little mean sometimes.

"Look, you guys, we can compete without being enemies. All right? We don't have to get vicious."

Santana gave Faith a look, telling her that it was her turn to say something snarky.

"Oh, I think we do, twin. See, the Trouble Tones are 3F: fierce, femme, phenomenal. Adding your male testosterone would just ruin everything we have." Before Faith could finish, Santana started again with her own mean remarks.

"Oh, and, guys, hurry up, go get some moist towels. We have to keep Finn wet before we can roll him back in the sea."

"Too much San." Faith was always sure that she stood up for her brother, and kept Santana in place if she got too far ahead of herself.

"Okay, you know what, Santana, Finn is in great shape, and your meanness only highlights your own personal insecurities."

"And, Rachel, your mustache is thicker than a Middle Eastern dictator's."

Faith had to lean on Mercedes so no one saw her laughing. That was a funny remark. Before the argument could get any deeper, everyone heard a guitar strumming and Shelby singing.

~~~You And I by Shelby Corcoran and Will Schuester~~~

(Both of the show choirs were enjoying the performance. Shelby and Mr Schuster were doing amazing and Faith was happy to be there with her brother, even if they were on opposing sides.)

Rachel was the first to speak out and compliment the performance.

"Mr. Schue, Shelby, I think we can all admit that that was weirdly amazing. But what exactly was the point?"

"That sometimes bringing together two conflicting things can create something totally unexpected."

"We're not combining Glee Clubs, Mr. Schue."

"That's not what I'm talking about. Shelby and I agree that with Sectionals coming up for both of us, it's time we all got serious with some friendly competition. Each group is going to put together their own mash-up to perform head-to-head. For the first annual McKinley High Mash-Off." Shelby and Mr Schuester seemed excited about the idea, but not as excited as both Glee clubs who were celebrating and getting into their competitive headspace. This was going to be a bloodbath.


Later that day, Faith was walking in the hallway with Brittany and Santana when they ran into Finn and Rory.

''Hey there, Orca."

"Hey, Santana, you look like an ass-less J.Lo." Faith didn't mean to but she was laughing with Brittany and Santana. Considering Finn with a sports guy, she would figure his trash-talking game would be a little better.

"You're skinny like all the crops failed on your family's farm."

Faith and Santana looked at each other confused clearly, Rory was also new to the trash-talking game.

Forever Intertwined | Sam EvansWhere stories live. Discover now