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Kara just got off the elevator in L Corp with her visitors pass on her neck she walked over to the assistants desk. "Hello! I'm Kara Danvers, I'm the reporter from Cat Co." Kara stated. "Oh yes! Miss Luthor is waiting for you." The assistant replied. "Ok thank you!" Kara replied as she walked through the office door. "And so thats what I'm thinking..." a woman with light brown hair said to another woman with jet black hair. "Oh I'm sorry...I must have the wrong office." Kara stated. "Who are you looking for?" The black haired woman asked. "Uh Lena Luthor.." Kara replied. The black haired woman smiled at her and stuck her hand out. "That would be me! You must be the reporter from Cat Co! Pleasure to meet you..." Lena began. "Uh Kara Danvers. Pleasure to meet you as well Miss Luthor." Kara replied as they shook hands.

"Is now a good time to do the interview? Or should I reschedule another time?" Kara asked looking at the brunette woman. "Oh no...we were just taking a break from a meeting. Now's a perfect time for the interview, Sam won't mind will you Sam?" Lena asked. "No! No problem here!" Sam replied with a smile. "Ok then let's begin then shall we?" Kara asked. Lena moved over on the sofa and motioned for Kara to sit down. "Ok..let's start with the main question. What if anything can you tell Cat Co about the new technology?" Kara asked.

Lena was very taken aback at how calm Kara was when she began asking questions. "Well it's gonna be a new cancer treatment of sorts that will help deplete the caner cells in someone's body. However it's still in the testing stages now, we hope to have it available to everyone by the end of the year." Lena replies. "When you say 'everyone' you mean what exactly? Only those who can afford it? Or those who have really good health insurance? Or do you mean the masses, no matter what their income level is?" Kara shot back.

The second round of questions shocked Sam who looked over at Lena. "When I say everyone...I mean literally everyone. No matter what their income is or where they are in the world. If there is someone suffering with cancer in a third world country then they will have access to these drugs as well." Lena replied. Kara scribbled everything down before continuing asking questions. After a while Kara was finished asking her questions and was preparing to leave the office when Lena asked the blonde a question. A question that caught her off guard.

"So Kara? Are you seeing anyone? I mean...how does your boyfriend, or girlfriend handle you asking random people questions?" Len asked. "No girlfriend...but I assume my pet fish handle themselves ok...I make sure they're well fed before I leave in the morning and well fed when I get home. And If I'm gonna be late my sister or her girlfriend stops in and feeds them. Do you have any more questions Miss Luthor?" Kara asked. "I have one!" Sam exclaimed before Lena got a chance. "Yes? Miss..." Kara replied. "Arias..but Sam is fine too." Sam replied. "Ok Sam...what is it?" Kara asked. "Would you like to hang out some time..with us? We usually get together on Saturdays to have a girls night...your sister and her girlfriend could come too." Sam asked. Kara remained silent for a moment before responding. "Sure...but I'm not gonna give you any contact information so good luck with that..." Kara replied before walking out of the office leaving two women stunned in her absence.

"Computer NOW!" Lena shouted as they raced to the desktop and began searching for Kara Danvers. They tried to find her social media accounts but ended up with nothing except a bunch of pictures on her facebook page. No number, instagram, noting. Next they tried to find her information on the Cat Co website and came up empty. Everyone else had a phone number on their employee page but not Kara Danvers. Next they decided to try to hack into the system of Cat Co to find her but came up empty handed. "Wait! She said she has a sister! She must have pictures with her on facebook..right? Let's see if we can find the sister!" Lena stated.

A few hours later Sam and Lena had finally figured out that they'd have to find Kara Danvers another way. "Well she goes to Noonans a lot for lunch...and she runs down main street every morning and evening according to these selfies here. Maybe we should split up and track her down." Sam suggested. "And....who ever gets her to go out with her first...the other one backs off...right?" Lena asks. "Unless she says yes to both of us...then we let her decide..." Sam replies. "May the best woman win!" Sam replied shaking Lenas hand.

Back inside Karas office she's in the process of going over her notes when Cat Grant calls her into her office. "You asked to see me Miss Grant?" Kara asked. "Yes! I wanted to talk to you about something. Sit please." Cat says pointing to the sofa. "Whats up Miss Grant?" Kara asked. "I'm retiring at the end of this year. And with James Olsen going back to Metropolis I need to find someone who knows all about how this company to become the new CEO of Cat Co. That's what I called you in here for. You've one four back to back Pulitzer Prizes due to your outstanding articles. That's why I'm gonna take you under my wing and train you to become the next CEO. So that being said I'm gonna have someone else write this article and starting tomorrow morning you will be shadowing me. So go take the rest of the day off, buy some power suits and some contacts and we'll begin your training." Cat replied. "Really? You want me to be the new CEO of Cat Co? Thank you Miss Grant! Thank you! I won't let you down!" Kara replied as she shook the older woman's hand. "You're welcome Kara. You've worked hard to deserve this. I know you won't let me down! No go on! Go get some suits and take the black card..it's yours now CEO!" Cat replied. Kara nodded quickly and left for her office to pack her tings up.

The ride in the elevator was short and she hurried out of the building and heads the street towards a fine suit store. She's gonna be the next CEO of Cat Co. She had to look the part. She knew exactly what she wanted in a suit. She entered the store and began scanning the suits when an old woman came up behind her and asked if she could help. "Yes, I'm looking for some suits." Kara replied. "Ok let's take some measurements shall we?" The old woman asked. Kara nodded and followed her into the back where she stood on a stool and allowed the woman to measure her.

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