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Two weeks. It's been two weeks since Lena or Sam has seen Kara. The blonde in question has been avoiding them like the plague. Now as a CEO of a large media company she has a lot on her plate. She managed to hire an assistant. The woman Lena and Sam suggested. Jennifer was a brilliant assistant she came to work early, stayed late, had Kara's coffee ready when she got there, ordered her lunch without being asked to.

Kara sat behind her desk going over some paperwork one afternoon when Jennifer notified her that there was someone was here to see her. "Who is it Jen?" Kara asked. "It's a Miss Arias!" Jennifer replied. "Send her in!" Kara replied. The door swung open revealing Sam who held a bag of food in her hands. "Hey Kar! Haven't seen you since girls night! So, I figured I'd bring lunch!" Sam stated. Kara looked at her as she sat the food down on the coffee table. "So you really just came here...because you haven't seen me in two weeks?" Kara asked. "Yes." Sam replied. "What about Lena? Won't she be mad you're not spending lunch with her?" Kara asked. "No...oh! No! We're just friends! Lena and I aren't together! We've always been just friends. We've never seen each other in a romantic way!" Sam explained.

Kara nodded her head slowly. 'That makes things easier...now I don't have to worry about breaking any one up...' Kara thought to herself as she sat down on the sofa. "So hows Jennifer doing?" Sam asked. "She's great!" Kara replied. "I'm glad you like her. She was so nervous to come for the open interviews." Sam replied. "She was the only one who never tried to hit on me during them. That's basically why I hired her, that and she has an outstanding resume." Kara replied.

"So Kara? What is your type of woman?" Sam asked. Kara was taken aback by the boldness of the question. "Why do you wanna know?" Kara asked. "Just curious. I know a lot of people Kara maybe I know someone who will fit your description of a perfect woman." Sam replied. Kara let out a sigh before she spoke. "Hmm? I guess my type would be someone who is smart, both with common sense and book knowledge. I prefer dark haired women over blondes or redheads. Tall, fit, someone who's driven and knows what she wants out of life. And it would be absolutely amazing if I could meet someone who wants kids too, because I love kids!" Kara stated.

Sam nodded as they ate their Chinese food. "What about you Sam?" Kara asked. "I like smart women who know what they want out of this life." Sam replied. "So why not date Lena?" Kara asked. Sam laughed. "I prefer blondes or redheads." Sam replied. "Oh..ok. There's quite a few blondes here. I can set you up with someone." Kara replied. "No thanks..." Sam replied looking away and blushing. "Ah so you already have someone in mind to ask out. So go for it. Ask her out." Kara stated. Sam avoided eye contact for a long minute. "I can't." Sam replied. "Why not?  She involved with someone already?" Kara asked. Sam shook her head in response. "Oh? Well ask her out then. Worst she could say would be no." Kara said.

Sam turned to look into Kara's brilliant blue eyes. "Kara would you like to go out with me?" Sam asked. Kara was gobsmacked by the question. "Uh..." Kara stammered. "You can say no...it's ok..." Sam replied softly. Kara bit her lip and thought of how to answer this. "One date wouldn't hurt." Kara replied. "Are you sure?" Sam asked. "Yea of course. When would you like to go out?" Kara asked. "Is tonight too early?" Sam asked. "Sure what time? And where?" Kara replied. "How does Noonan's sound? Say six?" Sam replied. "Works for me. I'll see you then." Kara replied. Sam quickly left Cat Co and headed back to L Corp with a smile on her face.

Once she returned Sam ran to Lena's office and burst through the door. "GUESS WHAT!" Sam yelled. "What?" Lena asked. "I have a date with Kara tonight at Noonan's!" Sam squealed. "Ohh...well congratulations then..." Lena replied. "Oh don't congratulate me yet...she was very distant when I asked her out. She took a long while to answer me. And she got really weird when I got there...she assumed I was your girlfriend and got a little excited when I explained that we weren't together. And she described you as her perfect woman." Sam added. "What?" Lena asked. "Yea...she said she likes dark haired women who are smart and know exactly what they want out of life and that her perfect woman wants kids." Sam explained. "Wait! We both want kids Sam! Why would she want me?" Lena asked. "I don't know! She just seemed a little happy when I said we weren't together." Sam replied.

A few hours later Kara pulled her bike into a parking spot at Noonan's. She was a few minutes early for her date with Sam so she grabbed a table and ordered a drink and waited. She didn't know why she was nervous but here she was. 'It's just one date..it won't mean anything...right?' Kara thought to herself as she sipped her tea. A couple minutes later Sam showed up wearing a blue summer dress with her hair up and sandals on. 'Must have went home and changed.' Kara thought as she stood up to hug the woman. "Hey!" Kara stated. "Hey!" Sam replied. "You look nice." Kara said with a smile. "Thanks...you look nice too." Sam replied as she sat down opposite her.

They placed their orders and began small talk. "What do you do when you're not working?" Sam asked. "I um usually sit at my apartment and watch trash tv." Kara replied. "Sounds like fun..." Sam replied. "Yea...it is but now I gotten into running and stuff." Kara added. "Oh you run for fun?" Sam asked. "Mostly. Sometimes I disappear for a weekend and go hiking or something. Why what do you like to do when you're not working?" Kara asked. "I usually don't do much of anything. I've been single for the past two years, so there's that. And besides when Lena and I do girls night I'm usually at my place in pajamas watching a movie." Sam replied.

As the night went on Kara found herself having fun oddly enough. Kara walked Sam to her car but didn't know if she should giver her a kiss or just a 'good night' hug. Sam looked like she didn't know either. In the end they settled for the hug and bid each other a good night.

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