The next morning Sam all but ran into Lena's office to tell her about her date with Kara. "Sam?" Lena asked looking at her CFO. "How was the date?" Lena asked. "It was nice...a little boring if I'm being honest. She didn't even kiss me good night!" Sam groaned. "Maybe she was tying to be nice?" Lena suggested. "I don't know she said she had a good time but she hasn't texted or anything since." Sam grumbled. "Text her...or I'll text her for you." Lena suggested. "Ok..I'll text her right now." Sam replied.

Sam: Hey Kara! I had fun last night! Would you wanna go out again sometime?

Kara: Hey Sam! I had fun too. But unfortunately I can't go out anytime soon. I've got a lot of work to plow through. But maybe we can have an office lunch sometime?

"An office lunch? Seriously! What the hell?" Sam groaned. Lena laughed at her friend. "Oh just have lunch with her!" Lena said encouragingly. "Ugh....fine!" Sam grumbled as she texted Kara back.

Sam: Office lunch sounds fun! When would you like to have it?

Kara: Whenever is good for you. I'll be working late so any time is ok with me. But I've got to go....meeting...

"She's gone to a meeting...and said any times fine, cause she'll be working later then usual now." Sam stated. "Well she is the that's understandable." Lena replied. "What am I supposed to do?" Sam groaned as she looked over at Lena with a smirk. "What?" Lena replied. "You should go have lunch with her today! Ask her out." Sam exclaimed. "Why?" Lena asked. "Cause maybe you'll get a good night kiss...come on Lee! We both agreed to date her separately! Please!" Sam whined. Lena let out a huff. "Fine! I'll order some food and go to Cat Co." Lena grumbled. "You're the best Lee!" Sam exclaimed happily.  Lena rolled her eyes as Sam left her office for her own.

A few hours later Lena had placed an order of two pizzas and headed to Cat Co. Upon arriving she met Jennifer Watson, Kara's very attractive assistant. "I'm here to see Kara Danvers!" Lena stated. "Do you have an appointment?" Jennifer asked. "No but she'll see me. I'm a friend." Lena replied. Jennifer called Kara to make sure it was ok for Lena to go in. "You may go in." Jennifer stated. "Thanks." Lena deadpanned.

"Hey Lena! What brings you by?" Kara asked. "Just thought I'd come by and bring lunch. You do eat pizza right?" Lena asked. "Of course! Who doesn't?" Kara replied chuckling. "Shall we sit and eat it then?" Lena asked as she put the boxes on the coffee table before sitting on the sofa. Kara pours them two glasses of water and joins her on the sofa. "So? Why are you really here Lena?" Kara asks as she takes a slice of pizza into her hands.

"To have pizza with a friend..." Lena began. Kara arched an eyebrow at her and cocked her head. "Ok! Ok! Sam had me come. She told me about your date...and how you didn't kiss her good night. So she sent me here to ask you out for a date..." Lena explained. Kara looked at her curiously before speaking. "I see..." Kara replied. "Kara you don't have to explain it if you rather not." Lena stated. "No it's ok I'll tell you. Sam's nice, kind, funny and smart. I didn't kiss her good night because after the date I don't ever kiss someone on a 'first date'. Other than that it was fine. We talked......well she talked...mostly about you and L Corp." Kara explained.

Lena let out a sigh. "So you did have fun?" Len asked. "I had a good time. Now you were saying Sam wants you to ask me out too? How come?" Kara asked eying her closely. Lena swallowed hard before responding. "Well...after you left my office after the interview Sam and I realized that we both had huge crushes on you. Sam said 'We should both date you that way won't have hard feelings if you picked one over the other.' I wasn't fond of the idea but Sam begged me to go along with it and it's hard to tell here I am." Lena explained.

Kara just looked at her taking her in. "I see." Kara replied. Lena remained silent. "So do you really have to work late?" Lena asked. "Yes. I have a bunch of paperwork to go over, and some other things to think about." Kara replied. "What things?" Lena asked. "All the information you told me about you two wanting to take turns dating me. It's a little off putting." Kara explained. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said anything. I'll go." Lena stated. "You can stay. I'm still on lunch. But if you rather you can go." Kara replied. Lena smiled and remained seated.

"So do you like Sam?" Lena asked. "She's alright. Like I said she's nice and funny." Kara replied. "But?" Lena asked. "But nothing. That's it." Kara replied. Lena nodded. They ate the rest of the pizza in silence and Kara walked Lena to the elevator and bid her farewell. "I'll text you later on for a date." Lena stated. "Works for me Lee!" Kara replied as she turned around and walked back to her office.

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