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Friday night came and Lena, Alex and Maggie came to Kara's place for girls night in. "Where's Sam?" Kara asked. "She's going to be running late. She's in a meeting right now now." Lena replied. "And you didn't have to be there?" Kara asked as she wrapped her arm around her. "No. Just because we work together doesn't mean we have to go to the same meetings." Lena replied as she leaned into Kara's shoulder. "Oh..ok..well mom decided to cook for tonight so I'm not sure what she's been doing in my kitchen. I've been banned from it." Kara said. "You probably did something to get yourself banned darling." Lena replied with a chuckle.

"I just wanted to get a drink..." Kara grumbled. "And to taste what I'm making!" Eliza called from the kitchen. Everyone began laughing at that statement. "See you did get yourself in trouble." Alex stated. "Hardy har...har.." Kara replied rolling her eyes. "Oh don't get grumpy Kar...it'll be ok." Lena whispered. Kara turned her head and pressed a kiss on Lena's lips just as her phone began to vibrate.

Kara grabbed her phone to see a message from Sam. "Kara...I'm sorry I'm not gonna be able to come tonight. I'm stuck in this meeting....i'm sorry." Kara read it out loud. "That's not right. That meeting should be over by now. Let me call her..." Lena replied pulling her phone out. "I'll be right back Kar." Lena said as she stood up and walked into Kara's bedroom shutting the door.

Kara turned back to her sister and Maggie and began chatting about different things. "So you heeling up good?" Maggie asked. "Yea...I'll be ready to kick your ass again soon." Kara replied laughing. "Ohhhh we shall see about that little Danvers!" Maggie retorted. Everyone erupted in fits of laughter. "When your leg is back to full strength I'll take that challenge...but not until then!" Maggie stated as Lena came back out. "Little Luthor..what's wrong?" Maggie asked. "Sam...she said she's not feeling good and just doesn't want to come tonight." Lena replied as she sank into the sofa next to Kara.

"Not feeling well? She was just here the other day...and she seemed fine." Kara replied. "Hey..hey..don't worry about it...I'm sure she's just over tired after the meeting thats all. I'm sure she'll come back tomorrow or something." Lena cooed as she continued to cuddle Kara. A few minutes went by and Eliza was calling them to the table. Lena helped Kara to the wheelchair and pushed her to the table before taking the chair next to her.

Eliza served up a large dish of lasagna and garlic knots. "Wow! This looks delicious!" Lena exclaimed. "Thank you Lena. It's actually one of Kara's recipes. It has baby spinach incorporated into the cheese and sauce." Eliza replied. "You can cook?" Lena asked eying Kara. "Of course! It's one of my many hidden talents." Kara replied. "I look forward to seeing all your hidden talents." Lena whispered.

Meanwhile inside a lonely apartment Sam sits holding a container of Chinese takeaway and watching a sappy movie on her television. She regrets not going to Kara's now, and she knows that it's only giving Lena more chances to win the blondes heart. Shaking her head she decides right then and there that tomorrow she's going over to Karas' to spend the weekend with her. "Yes! That's what I'll do! I'll spend time showing her how good of a cook I am. How well I can take care of her in a time of need." Sam said to herself as she continued eating.

Back in Kara's place the night is winding down and Alex has invited Eliza to come home with her and Maggie for the weekend so Kara can spend time with Lena. "Are you sure you'll be ok?" Eliza asks her youngest daughter. "Yes mom. I'll be ok! And if anything does happen I'll have Lena call you." Kara replied. "Ok...well have fun you two...but not too much fun. I'm far too young to become a grandmother." Eliza teased as she grabbed her weekend bag and followed everyone out.

Now it was just Kara and Lena left alone together. "So...dishes are done...what would you like to do now?" Lena asked. "How about we get into some comfortable clothes then watch a movie or something?" Kara suggested. "Sounds good to me! Let's go get changed." Lena replied as she pushed Kara into the bedroom. Lena quickly changed before offering to help Kara get changed. "Uh..you can hold me up while I pull up my sweats." Kara said looking down at her lap.

"No need to be embarrassed Kara it's what I'm here for. I'll help you with whatever you need." Lena replied as she knelt down to help Kara put on her sweat pants. Kara stood up with Lena's assistant wearing her boxers and began pulling her pants up. Lena did her best not to look at the blondes crotch as she held onto her. However she is only human so she may have glanced down at some point and held back a gasp when she saw the outline behind the boxers.

A few minutes later they were back on the sofa cuddling up watching a romantic movie together. Stealing kisses every now and then until it turned into a full blown make out session with some heavy touching. Kara was the one who ended the kiss pulling away before things took a turn. "We should stop...I can't do much right now." Kara whispered. Lena nodded and crawled off Kara's lap. "It's late...wanna go to bed?" Lena asked. Kara nodded and let Lena help her back into the chair and then into bed before Lena joined her curling up into her side as the blonde wrapped her arms around her waist as sleep over took them.

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