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In the morning Alex and Maggie slipped out of the apartment not paying any attention to where anyone else was, they just knew that they had to quickly leave so they could get to work on time. Meanwhile inside Kara's bedroom the sun was shining through the windows causing the blonde to yawn and stretch out her arms. However when Kara did this she felt skin on both sides of her. Her blue eyes shot open as she at up looking on both sides of her bed. On her left lay a sleeping Lena, while on the right lay a sleeping Sam. She had no idea how long the woman had been there or when they came into her room let alone her bed.

Ever so slowly Kara got out of the bed and went to the bathroom before going to the kitchen to make some breakfast for the three of them. 'What the hell happened last night? I remember walking past them asleep on the sofa. But now they're in my bed! How the fuck did that happen?' Kara asked herself as she whisked the eggs together in the bowl. 'At least nothing happened! That's a good thing.' Kara told herself as she put the eggs into the pan before adding shredded cheese and some onion and garlic salt.

She was lost in concentration not even noticing that Sam and Lena were walking out of the bedroom with smiles on their faces. "Good morning!" Lena greeted as she approached the blonde. "Oh hey! Good morning!" Kara replied. "Whatcha making?" Sam asked. "Scrambled eggs, bagels and some sausages." Kara replied. "Looks good! Do you need help?" Lena asked. "Uh...yea you can set the table." Kara replied. "What about me?" Sam asked. "You can get drinks out. There's juice, coffee, water, whatever you like." Kara replied.

"Uh..where are your plates?" Lena asked. "Second cupboard on the left. Silverware is in the drawer by the fridge. Cups are next to the plates." Kara explained. Once breakfast was ready Kara put everything on the table and sat down away from the women. "So...did you two sleep well?" Kara asked. "Yes we did. Did you?" Sam asked smiling at the blonde. "Well I was then I woke up to you two in my bed. When did you get into my bed? When I went to sleep you two were on the sofa sound asleep. Yet when I woke up you were on my left...and you were on my right." Kara explained.

"I woke up and thought it was my apartment...and stumbled into your bed." Lena replied. "I was looking for Lena and fell asleep in your bed. We're sorry." Sam replied. "It's fine...it just freaked me out thats all. I'm not used to waking up with people in my bed." Kara replied. "This is really good Kara." Lena added. "Thanks I'm glad you like it." Kara replied. After breakfast Kara quickly did the dishes up after telling Lena and Sam they could use the bathroom and borrow some of her things to go home in. Once the women left Kara quickly cleaned up her apartment and took a long hot shower to clear her head before getting dressed and changing her sheets. Not that anything was wrong with them she just didn't want to sleep in them again knowing that her new friends slept in there with her while she was barely dressed.

Meanwhile back in Lena's penthouse Sam and Lena were talking about how wonderful Kara was to snuggle up to during the night. "And that breakfast! Oh my goodness it was soooo damn good!" Sam groaned. "I know! And I'm not a fan of bagels but Kara made that sandwich...oh god my body literally melted into a pile of goo!" Lena replied. "I wonder what it would be like to wake up in that bed everyday?" Sam asked. "I don't know! But I sure as hell want to find out!" Lena replied.

Later that morning Kara was outside taking a long walk through the park while she thought over the events of last night. She took what the woman told her to be true and let go of that part. However now she had began thinking about the way both of them shamelessly flirted with her as if she was a piece of meat. Shaking her head she tried to forget the whole interaction between them.

After her walk Kara quickly went to Noonan's and grabbed some potstickers to go home with. However as she was walking to her door she heard someone calling her name behind her. Turning she saw Lena walking quickly towards her holding a bag. "Hey Lena!" Kara greeted with a smile. "Hey Kara! I just was on my way to your place to drop off the clothes Sam and I borrowed." Lena explained. "Uh thanks." Kara replied as she grabbed the bag. "You're welcome." Lena replied. "I didn't know you and Sam were together now. Now I know I'll lock my bedroom door on late girls nights don't want you two getting mad at each other." Kara replied as she began walking away. "We aren't together! Not like that anyways!" Lena yelled. Kara stopped, and turned to face her.

"It's ok Lena really! You don't have to explain your relationship with me! I gotta get going before my food gets cold! Have a good day Lena! Tell Sam I said hey!" Kara replied as she entered her building and quickly shut the door behind her. Lena looked at the closed door with tears in her eyes. 'Fucked that up didn't I?' She asked herself as she walked back to her car and drove to her penthouse.

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