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Later that night Sam and Kara were sitting on the sofa watching movies and eating pizza together. As time went on Sam became more and more tired and got ready to call it a night. "I should get going." Sam said. "Yea...it's almost midnight." Kara replied. "I had fun this afternoon and tonight!" Sam stated. "Me too!" Kara replied. Kara walked Sam out to the waiting car before heading back inside.

A few hours later Kara was woken up by rapid knocks on her door. Jumping out of bed she ran to the door pulling it open to see Sam standing there. "Sam? What's going on?" Kara asked sleepily. "I got home...and I realized it was our third date and...yo didn't kiss me.." Sam stammered. "So..you went all the way home...just to come back in the middle of the night...so I could give you a kiss?" Kara asked.

"Uhmmm yes..." Sam replied. Kara didn't know how to respond she was too tired to think, so instead Kara leaned in and kissed Sam. Sam was completely caught by surprise by the kiss however she didn't mind it one bit, wrapping her arms around Kara's neck as the kiss deepened.

When they pulled apart both women smiled. "I should really go now.."Sam whispered. "Well it is midnight...and we both have to work tomorrow." Kara yawned. "Yea...umm ok I'm gonna go now.." Sam replied. "Have a good night Sam..." Kara replied as Sam walked towards the elevator as Kara shut the door and went back to bed. Her head was swimming with what just happened in the doorway a few minutes ago. She lay in bed with her eyes shut and hope sleep would come soon and it did for both women that night.

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