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A few hours later Sam and Lena are leaving their offices and heading to grab dinner at a local restaurant when they saw Kara walking out of a tailored suit shop with multiple bags in hand. "Wonder what she's doing with them? Sam asked as she looked up from the outside table. "Let's call her over and ask." Lena replied. "KARA!" Lena called out catching the blonde's attention. "Hey Sam, Miss Luthor. What can I do for you?" Kara asked. "First off call me Lena, we were wondering what you are doing with all those garment bags?" Lena asked. "It's for my job, why?" Kara asked. "Are they dresses? Or something?" Sam asked. "No. I have to get going though...I've got to..get this stuff put up. Have a nice night you two!" Kara replied before walking away. "Wait! Can we at least get a number?" Lena asks.

Kara pauses for a moment before turning around and saying. "9! Have a nice night ladies!" Kara walks away after that smiling to herself as she goes. "Nine...what the hell does that mean?" Lena asked. "Apartment number maybe?" Sam replies. "Hmmm...let's hurry up here and see if we can follow her." Lena replies. A few minutes later Kara is walking into her apartment building when she sees a black suv slowly drive down the road. "Hmm...I wondered how fast they'd follow me..let's play some mind games with them." She says to herself as she closes the door.

She hangs her suits up in the closet before sinking into the sofa and clicking on the television. A few minutes go by before there's a knock on the door. Kara opens it to see the two women holding her bags of delivery food in their hands. "You're not Jacob...why you two so interested in me anyways?" Kara asked as she took the potstickers from Lena's hand. "You're a very hard person to find Kara Danvers. But when you said the number nine..we figured it was an apartment number. And looks like we are right. 9B" Sam replied. "So you were stalking me?" Kara asked. "No we're not...we're just intrigued by your mysterious behavior. So are you gonna invite us in Kara?" Lena asked. "Uh...yea.. why not.. come in sit... ask me more questions..." Kara replied sounding irritated. "You ok Kara?" Sam asks looking at her. "I'm fine...just not used to having random people in my apartment." Kara replied sitting back on her sofa.

"Well...what if we weren't random people? What if we became your friends...then would it be ok?" Sam asked. Kara eyed them closely before responding. "Why would you two want to befriend me?" Kara asked. "You seem like a nice person. And you have excellent reporting skills. So what do you say? Wanna be friends?" Lena asked. Again Kara paused before speaking. "Ok...we can be friends I guess. How long have you been in National City?" Kara asked. "Me for the past several months. Sam arrived two months ago to take the job as my CFO." Lena explained as Kara grabbed them some drinks. "You have a nice place here Kara!" Sam says trying to make conversation. "Thanks...I'll be upgrading soon though so Sherlock and Holmes will have to find me again..." Kara replied as she pops another potsticker in her mouth. "I'm totally Sherlock!" Sam exclaims.

"No..you're more Holmes!" Lena replied. "How long have you two been dating?" Kara asked eyeing them closely. "What? Lena and I aren't dating! We're just best friends. That's all nothing more!" Sam exclaimed. "Really? You could have fooled me." Kara replied with a smirk. "What about you? How come you're not dating anyone?" Lena asked. "I haven't been looking." Kara replied. "Why not?" Sam asked. The door opening caused the woman to look to see a redhead woman walk in as long with a brunette woman. "Kara hey! Who are you?" The red head asked. "Alex, this is Lena and Sam. My new friends. What are you doing here? Kara asked. "Do we need a reason to come see you little Danvers? Now are you gonna introduce us to your new friends?" Maggie asked.

"Lena Luthor and Sam Arias. I interviewed Lena, Sam was there in her office. When I wouldn't give them contact information after thy asked if we could hang out they saw me as I was heading home and asked for a number...then they showed up here with my food." Kara replied. "And now we're friends because that was the only way Kara would let us into her apartment." Sam replied. "Well little Danvers you can always use more friends...since you don't have something else." Maggie replied. "Maggie enough! Kara will find someone when she wants..leave my baby sister alone." Alex replied. Kara rolled her eyes. "Tell us more about Kara's lack of dating...we're intrigued now." Lena replied.

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