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As the days passed Kara's place was always full of people and full of laughter. Right now Kara was sitting on the sofa once again smooshed in between Lena and Sam. It was a game night and everyone had come around to play various board games and drink alcohol. Well everyone expect Kara and Eliza. Currently they were playing video games since Kara couldn't move much to play charades, or move a game piece on a board.

"Ahhh! I'm loosing!" Sam groaned. "Press the 'A' button!" Kara said pointing to the button on the controller. "Looser does a shot!" Alex exclaimed. "Hahaha! I'm kicking all your asses!" Lena exclaimed. "I knew I liked you little Luthor!" Maggie yelled out. Kara smiled as she saw everyone getting along. It made her happy to see that her 'girlfriends' were getting along with everyone. "Foods here!" Eliza stated as she opened the door and grabbed the boxes of Chinese food.

Everyone paused the game and began eating the food. Kara held her box filled with potstickers and rice and sweet and sour chicken on her lap as she began eating. Lena took her chopsticks and took a potsticker from Kara's dish. Everyone gaped as Kara just let it happen without saying anything. "You never let me take a potsticker!" Alex groaned. "Well you don't just take one and go on. You take multiple and come back for more." Kara replied. Lena smiled at Alex as she bit into the potsticker. "Tastes good...thanks Kara." Lena replied. "You're welcome Lee." Kara replied with a smile.

Sam looked down at her food trying to stop the jealous feeling bubbling up in her stomach. She knew she shouldn't be jealous, she knew that. She and Lena both knew that it was kara's decision in the end, but she secretly hoped that Kara would pick her. "So Sam? How was that meeting you had the other day?" Kara asked looking at Sam now. "Oh..it was ok. I managed to get the deal for L Corp while Lena was busy in another meeting." Sam replied. "That's wonderful news!" Kara replied wrapping her arm around Sam for a side hug.

As the night went on more games were played and more booze was drank and more snack food was consumed. By ten o' clock everyone was asleep either on the sofa or in the many spare bedrooms. Winn and James opted for the sofas while Eliza, Alex and Maggie went to the bedrooms on the opposite side of condo. Lena and Sam went to the ones closest to Kara's room. Eliza had helped Kara get into bed before going to bed herself.

Sometime in the night Lena got up to go get a drink when she heard Kara calling to her. "Lee? Is that you?" Kara whispered loudly. "Yea..do you need something Kar?" Lena asked. "No...not really." Kara replied. Lena wasn't convinced though, so after she drank her water she headed towards Kara's room. "Ya sure?" Len asked. Kara just shook her head. Lena walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. "Whats up Kara?" Lena whispered.

"Come cuddle..." Kara whispered. Lena bit her lip as she thought of what to do. "Come on Lee..." Kara cooed. Lena gave in quickly and crawled up into bed with Kara. "Better?" Lena asked as she lay in Kara's arms. "Yes. I'm sorry we haven't had any alone time...well since the hospital. So when I heard you up I figured now would be a good time to have some quality time." Kara whispered. "It's ok Kara...you're healing. I understand completely. But yes...this is nice." Lena replied. Kara smiled as she leaned in and kissed Lena gently on her lips.

The kiss quickly turned heated however both women knew they couldn't do much with Kara's broken leg and all, so they pulled apart and just snuggled into Kara's chest. "Go to sleep Lee." Kara whispered as she rubbed her hand over Lena's back. "Good night Kar..." Lena whispered. "Good night Lee." Kara replied just before sleep over powered them.

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