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Kara pulled into the parking garage underneath L Corp parking her car in a parking spot before going upstairs to get Lena. The elevator ride was quick and the blonde CEO stepped off on the top floor she felt the eyes on her. She walked over to Lena's office to see her door opened slightly. However the closer she got she heard a conversation happening inside. She took a pause mid way and listened.

"So you two already had sex? And it was amazing?" Sam asked. "Oh god Sam it was absolutely amazing! Literally best sex ever." Lena replied. Kara smirked to herself when she heard that statement. "She's never gonna want me now..." Sam replied. "You don't know that Sam...gosh it was just one time. And you're having dinner with her tomorrow night." Lena replied. "Yea..but it's been over a year since I've been with anyone...oh god..she's gonna hate it with me." Sam groaned. 'So? What does not being with someone for over a year have anything to with not wanting to have sex? I'm not a monster...' Kara said to herself. "Sam...if you don't want to have sex with her, she won't be mad." Lena replied. "You don't know that...god...I wish sometimes we never decided to date her at the same time..." Sam groaned. 'Does she mean that? Does she not want to dat me anymore? I thought what we were having fun?' Kara asked herself.

"Kara should be here any minute now...I need to get ready to go..." Lena said. "Ok..ok...I'm leaving. Have fun." Sam said as she dipped out of the door. Kara stood around the corner and watched Sam leave looking distraught form the conversation. Shaking her head Kara walked around and into Lena's office. "Hey beautiful! You ready to go?" Kara asked. "Uh yea..one second." Lena replied as she continued packing up her things. "You ok Lee?" Kara asked. "Uh..can we talk about it when we get back to my place? I don't think it's something we should talk about in my office." Lena replied. "Works for me." Kara replied with a smile.

"Here, I'll take these for you Lee." Kara said as she reached out to get her bags. "Uh..thank you Kara..no one's ever offered to carry my bags before. This is something I could get used to." Lena replied as they stepped onto the elevator together. "So how was your day?" Kara asked. "It was ok, how was yours?" Lena asked. "It was alright. Had lunch with Sam...paperwork...boring meetings...have a business meeting in another city coming up..so that should be fun." Kara said. "Where's the business meeting?" Lena asked as the elevator stopped. "London..." Kara said softly. "London! That's on another continent! How long will you be gone?" Lena asked. "Two weeks. A month at most. I'm working on establishing Cat Co there so we'll have an international standing." Kara replied as they walked over to Kara's car.

Lena was speechless after hearing the words leave Kara's lips. "So...you'll be gone a month max?" Lena asked. "Yea. Don't worry, we can still talk." Kara replied. Lena sighed as she got into the car. "You ok Lee?" Kara asked as she gently shut the door. "No...you're gonna be gone for a month...and I know you said we can talk but I'll be going to sleep when you're waking up.." Lena groaned. Kara bit her lip at this. "If you want I can send my private jet to come get you for a long weekend." Kara suggested.

Lena's head snapped sideways to look at the smirking blonde. "Are you serious?" Lena asked. "Only if you want to come visit me in London. I'm gonna extend the offer for another weekend to Sam too." Kara added. "Ok...I guess a trip to London does sound kind of fun...what would we do?" Lena asked. "I'm thinking we'd go see a show...maybe check out some Harry Potter sights...I know you're a huge Harry Potter fan. Whatever you like really Lee. I'll be staying in a penthouse I bought so you won't need to worry about a hotel." Kara replied.

A few minutes later Kara was parked underneath Lena's building. "You bought a penthouse in London! Is there anything else you aren't telling me? Have you made a decision on who to date permanently?" Lena asked. "Yes I bought a penthouse in London. And no I'm still thinking on the second question. Although I wasn't eavesdropping this afternoon but I heard your conversation with Sam." Kara admitted. "Oh...how much did you hear?" Lena asked. "Most of it. I heard Sam say where she wished you both decided not to date me at the same time." Kara replied.

Lena remained silent after that until they got onto the elevator. "Do you feel like that too Lena?" Kara asked. "Honestly...sometimes..." Lena replied. Kara begin thinking after hearing the admission. She knew what she had to do now. After tomorrow night she'd break up with Sam and Lena both and go to London early and allow them to think about what they really want in a relationship.

"So what would you like to eat?" Lena asked as they walked into the penthouse together. "Whatever you make is good for me Lee." Kara replied. "I..uh...didn't plan on anything...so we can order something." Lena replied. "Ok." Kara replied. Lena ordered Indian food and joined Kara on the sofa. "So...what would you like to do while we wait?" Lena asked as she scooted closer to Kara. "How about we talk." Kara suggested. "Ok what about?" Lena asked. "Why did you and Sam decide to date me at the same time?" Kara asked. "You already know that answer." Lena replied. "I know...but one of you could have said no." Kara replied. "Why would we? You're an incredible woman Kara. That's why we left the final decision up to you." Lena replied.

"And if I decide to dump both of you?" Kara asked. "That would suck really bad..but we'd be ok with it." Lena replied. "Our foods here." Kara said. Lena grabbed the food and got herself and Kara some wine and returned to the sofa. They ate only making small talk as they did. When the food was gone Lena did everything she could to have Kara stay over, however Kara declined. "I'd love to Lee....but I can't." Kara said. "Next time?" Lena whispered as they pulled away from a heated kiss. "Next time Lee..." Kara whispered.

Kara returned home and quickly changed out of her work clothes and got into bed. She was still thinking about what she overheard and what Lena admitted. "This is for the best..." She told herself as sleep over took her.

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