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The next day at work Sam arrived at Kara's office with take out Chinese. "Hey Kar!" Sam exclaimed happily. Kara pulled Sam into a hug before shutting the door. "Come sit! Tell me about your day." Kara said. Sam quickly sat down and put the food down on the coffee table as Kara joined her. "My day...it's been ok...I guess. How is your day going?" Sam asked. "My day was boring...then you came into my office and it just got better." Kara replied. Sam blushed at the compliment. "I mean it Sam. Seeing you and Lena all the time makes my day." Kara replied.

Kara took a dish of noodles and began eating them while Sam took a dish of chicken and rice. They swapped dishes and continued eating and making small talk. "So dinner tonight? My place or yours?" Kara asked. "Your place works." Sam replied. "Alright. I'll pick you up after work. Now..do you have to rush off?" Kara asked. Sam's mouth went dry at Kara's question as she shook her head no. "Good." Kara whispered as she pulled Sam onto her lap and crashed her lips into the brunette's.

Sam's hand slipped into Kara's hair as she deepened the kiss. Sam moaned into the kiss as Kara groped her ass. Suddenly Kara broke the kiss and looked into Sam's eyes. "We should stop..." Kara whispered. "Yea..." Sam replied biting her lip. "Sam...." Kara whispered. "Do...we...have to stop...." Sam whispered. "Yes Sam we do...cause if we continued...it would be completely obvious as to what happened in here." Kara explained.

Nodding Sam got off Kara and returned to sitting beside her with a huff. "Now...now...I promise to make it up to you tonight." Kara whispered. "I...should get back..." Sam said. "I know...I'll pick you up later tonight." Kara said as Sam left her office. Kara returned to work gettin her mind of what she was gonna do later.

A little after five pm Kara pulled up to L Corp to pick up Sam for their dinner date. "You ready Sam?" Kara asked. "Yes!" Sam replied with a smile. The drive back to Kara's place was short and Kara had already pre ordered Indian food to be delivered by the time they got there. "Kick your shoes off Sam...relax..our food will be here shortly." Kara said with a smile as she lay back on the sofa pulling Sam down with her. "So what did you order?" Sam asked. "Indian food." Kara replied. "Ok.." Sam replied.

The food arrived and the woman broke apart so that they could eat together. "Lena said you heard part of our conversation the other day?" Sam asked hesitantly. "I heard bits and pieces of it yes." Kara replied. "Are you mad at us?" Sam asked. "No." Kara replied as she poured more wine into her glass. "Ok." Sam replied. "Sam don't worry. I'm not easily upset." Kara stated.

After dinner was over Kara put everything in the dishwasher and clicked it on before returning to the sofa. Kara sat down and once again pulled Sam onto her lap continuing what they started earlier. Kara pulled off Sam's top and began leaving marks down her neck causing moans to escape Sam's lips.

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