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Two weeks later they were moved into the house and the condo they had shared was now up for sale. "I love it!" Lena gushed as they stood in their living room looking out the large floor to ceiling windows. Kara stood behind her with her arms wrapped lovingly around Lena and the ever growing bump. "I love it too. I'm glad they finished it before our little one came." Kara replied. "Me too! I can't wait to go to our next appointment..I'm ready to see what we're having." Lena said. "What do you think it is?" Kara asked. "I'm thinking it's a boy. What about you?" Lena asked. "I'm thinking it's a girl. However I'd be happy with either or." Kara said.

A little while later Lena was lying on the sofa while Kara went into the kitchen to start dinner. It was a Saturday and that meant that neither of them did any work. Whatever they didn't get to during the week they'd pick up on Monday. It was their new rule they decided on after Lena got pregnant. This way they could spend time with their future children without work getting in the way.

Kara was just draining the spaghetti when she heard Lena walking into the kitchen. "Hey beautiful!" Kara greeted with a smile. "Hey...what are you making?" Lena asked. "Spaghetti and homemade meatballs." Kara replied. "Do we have parmesan cheese?" Lean asked. "Yes darling. I picked up a fresh bottle of it earlier today." Kara replied as she put the spaghetti and meatballs on the table. "Good! I'll get the drinks." Lena replied. Kara quickly grabbed the garlic bread and brought that to the table as Lena poured two glasses of strawberry lemonade. It had become Lena's go to drink as her pregnancy continued..not that Kara was complaining..because she most definitely was not.

After dinner Kara did the dishes while Lena went off upstairs to change into something more comfortable. Once the dishwasher was running Kara too headed upstairs to change in to comfortable clothing. As she entered their bedroom Kara was quickly greeted by Lena sound asleep on their bed half undressed. Kara gently woke Lena up again and finished getting her undressed before getting undressed herself. "Want to watch some television? Or would you rather go to bed now?" Kara asked. "Can we watch television?" Lena asked. "Of course we can darling. Do you want to do so in here? Or downstairs?" Kara asked. "Downstairs...thats where the peanut butter and pickles are." Lena replied. "Well come on darling. Let's go downstairs and I'll get you some pickles and peanut butter." Kara replied. "Oh..and some hot coco and the colored marshmallows." Lena added. "Yes dear. Get settled on the sofa and pick out a movie and I'll be right back." Kara stated.

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