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"I can't wait till tomorrow." Lena said as Kara began dinner for them. "Really? Why's that?" Kara asked. "I can't wait to show off the sonogram photos." Lena gushed. Kara smiled at her fiancé as she stirred their pasta around in the pot. "I'm sure Sam will be tickled pink to see the pictures." Kara replied. "Do you want to take one too? Show your friends at Cat Co?" Lena asked. "I suppose I can take one...I can always send a snap to Abigail..or show Alex when she comes in for lunch." Kara replied. "You don't have friends at work?" Lena asked. "I do...it's just a lot of people don't like to befriend the big boss." Kara replied. "Oh I'm sorry hun..." Lena replied softly. "It's ok love. I'll show Nia, Alex and Abigail, and I'll bring one a spare one to give to Alex to show Maggie." Kara said. "Oh is Maggie coming with Alex?" Lena asked. "No..she's got a meeting to deal with." Kara replied.

"Oh..what are you making love?" Lena asked. "I'm making your favorite Lee, I'm making you macaroni and cheese and fried chicken." Kara replied. "Chicken legs?" Lena asked. "Yes love chicken legs." Kara replied. "Oh good! I love chicken legs!" Lena hummed. "I know darling. I've also got some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream for dessert." Kara added. "I love you Kar!" Lena cooed. "I love you too darling." Kara replied as she flipped the chicken before putting the macaroni and cheese in the oven.

"Kar...can you get me some juice?" Lena asked. "Yes love! Just give me one minute." Kara replied. A minute later Kara entered the living room with a glass of juice in her hand. "Anything else Lee?" Kara asked. "No...but dinner smells delicious though." Lena replied with a smile. "Thank you love, I've got to go back to the kitchen now..but if you need anything else just call me." Kara said before she kissed Lena's head and headed to the kitchen again.

A little while later the food was done and Kara was putting it all on the table along with two glasses, one with juice and one with lemonade in it. "Come on Lee, everything's ready." Kara said as she went to help her off the sofa. "Kara! This looks absolutely amazing! Thank you darling!" Lena gushed as she took her seat at the table. "I'm glad you like it!" Kara replied as she sat down opposite her.

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