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Two weeks passed since they're gathering and now Kara and Lena are getting their first walk through of their home since the reinventions have begun. "So we got everything gutted now..and we've been busy with the rewiring and putting in the new floors in the rooms we've already rewired." The contractor explained. Kara and Lena nodded as they continued their tour. "And how is the upstairs? And the basement coming along?" Kara asked. "The basement is just about finished. It was the first thing I had the boys work on. Want to take a look at it?" The man asked. "Yes." Lena replied. The man walked off motioning for them to follow.

The stairs to the basement were brand new thankfully, and quite nicer than the rickety ones that were in here before. The contractor flipped on the light illuminating the large room. "As you requested ma'am's, a steel lined room for your lab over here, and a theatre room over here, and a play room in the middle. The lab has the stainless steel floor and walls as you requested." The man explained. Lena nodded. "Can we look at it?" Kara asked. "Of course!" The man replied as he opened the door. The three of them stepped inside and looked around. "It's perfect! Really wonderful job!" Lena said with a smile. "Thank you. I hope everything else is to your liking." The contractor said. "I'm sure it will be." Kara replied. After a tour and talking to the workers who were on lunch break while they were there, Kara and Lena left their house happy to see the progress.

Once they returned home they settled in on the sofa with take away sandwiches. "Our house looks lovely so far." Kara said. "Yes it is. I can't wait till it's done so we can move in." Lena replied. "Hopefully it'll be done before our first little one comes along." Kara replied leaning in to kiss Lena's cheek. "We should continue our making of a little one tonight." Lena hummed in response. "Can't darling...it's girls night remember?" Kara said. "Oh fuck! That's right! Me and my big mouth...inviting everyone over tonight." Lena groaned.

"We can practice tomorrow night after work...or during lunch..." Kara purred. "Kara Danvers! Are you suggesting we have sex in one of our offices?" Lena asked as she playfully swatted Kara's arm. "That's exactly what I'm suggesting darling." Kara replied.

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