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Lena hated it. She was now officially on maternity leave. It sucked. Did she mention that she hated it? Cause she did. Kara decided that she'd too take time off from the office and work from home for the remainder of the pregnancy, so she could be here for Lena's needs. Today was Monday and currently Kara was on a conference call with Abigail discussing some changes they were gonna make to Cat Co. "Ok...thats all right? I hope so..I'm bloody tired." Abigail said. "Yes. That's all....wait....did you get my message?" Kara asked. "Ah yes! Congratulations on a baby boy Kara! I can't wait to meet the little man." Abigail replied with a smile. "Thank you! Now go on get to sleep, we'll talk later." Kara said as she ended the call.

Lena meanwhile was in the living room eating a mid morning snack of fruit and yogurt while she waited for Kara to finish her call. Setting the bowl down she took a moment to look at her stomach it was so big and little Liam was kicking and moving about now and it made her smile. Slowly she began rubbing her stomach and whispering to it. "Hey Liam...it's your mommy talking...your momma is busy on a conference call right now..." Lena whispered.

It was at that moment Kara came out of the office and stood in the archway of their living room watching the tender moment between mother and son. Slowly she walked over towards the sofa, just as she got closer Lena's eyes snapped up to meet her own and they shared a smile. "Hey darling!" Kara greeted as she sat down next to her. "Hey love. How was your conference call?" Lena asked. "Same as always. Abigail says congratulations, and she can't wait to meet him." Kara replied. "You hear that Liam...theres a trip to London in your future." Lena whispered. Kara lay her hand on Lena's stomach and felt as Liam kicked in delight. "I think he likes that idea." Kara replied.

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