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Today Kara and Lena would be going into the doctor's office to have another checkup on Liam. "Come on love, let's go get Liam check out." Kara said as she walked into their private doctor's office. Lena grumbled as they entered the room. She got up onto the exam table and laid back and waited. "Ah Miss Danvers, and Miss Luthor! Ready to have one of your last checkups before Liam comes into this world?" The doctor asked. "Yes!" Lena exclaimed. "She's been a little more moody lately..sorry about that." Kara said. "It's perfectly natural at this point in the pregnancy." The doctor replied.

Liam's heartbeat was strong and fast as the doctor moved the wand over Lena's stomach. "Everything looks good. Everything is on track, you two are free to go home now. Lena your still on bed rest up until the birth, Kara make sure she keeps her feet up  for a minimum of thirty minutes a day from now on. Oh and they to keep the stress down from here on out." The doctor explained. "Ate we still gonna be able to have our friends around?" Kara asked. "Yes of course you can, it may help keep Lena calmer." The doctor added. "Ok good, so girls nights are still on." Kara said.

A few minutes later they were home and Lena was doing as the doctor said. She had her feet up on a pillow while she lay on the sofa. "Kara...what are you making for lunch?" Lena asked. "I've got some soup going, why do you want something else?" Kara asked. "No love, soups good, I was just curious." Lena replied. "Ok hun. Are you cold? Need another blanket or something?" Kara asked. It was getting colder outside so Kara's been making more soups and chili's.

When the soup was finished Kara went back into the living room to see Lena sound asleep on the sofa. Sighing to herself Kara went back into the kitchen and put the soup into dishes and put it into the fridge and freezer for later.

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⏰ Last updated: 10 hours ago ⏰

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