Chapter 28

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Zara had ran after her brother as he walked out putting his hands in his pockets unbothered.

"Dont bring that fucking loser around me ever again." Julian says to me making Zade turn around as he smirks.

"Well this loser was flipping your bitch in the air." Zade says now pissing me off. Julian flipped the chair over and charged towards Zade but Roman and Kai had grabbed him. Zade just laughs but I could see he was fucking pissed. He looks at Zara who was now standing infront of him pushing him out

I walk over as Zade tells Zara to get off of him before he jogs down the stairs. "Your brother is an asshole."

"Your friend is a fucking asshole." Zara says as she looked at me frowning.

Julian and Rosie scream at each other for most part of my birthday dinner. It was a whole ordeal. Kai was stressed in between the two and I tried to get Julian to leave with me to calm down but they just kept going at it and kept going lower and lower like I have never seen before. Things were being said that I would really struggle to come back from if Zara said to me and I know shed never speak to me again if I said it.

I look at Zara defeated as she just drank the cocktail pissed off. She just wanted to plan a nice dinner I guess. I told her I have never had a surprise birthday party maybe when I met her when we were randomly talking about birthdays. She remembered and even though I knew it was happening... I still acted surprised for her.

"Maybe lets go to the club?" Younes says to me as Jemeriah had now gotten involved trying to stop them.

"Maybe we need some loud music we cant hear this shit. I swear I do not get why you guys bother with girlfriends." He says. "Shut up." I tell him hoping Zara didnt hear him.

"Were going to have to separate them.." Roman says as he picks up Rosie throwing her over his shoulder as she screamed and kicked. He took her away and Julian rubbed his eyes as he leaned back.

"Everyone just needs to calm down..." Kai says as he looks at Julian.

"Fuck this." He breathes out as if he was calming himself. Julian rarely came out of his character and the only time he did was due to Rosie.

"Fuck this and fuck that." Julian says getting up walking to the edge of the roof. The sun had set now. I hand him a cigarette following him over and he lights it up.

"Maybe Rosie and I shouldnt hang out anymore." He tells me and I just nod. "Its getting a bit toxic, I have never seen you two like this."

"Its the end of an era." He sighs. "I cant believe she would do that."

"Be honest Jules, you havent fucked other girls?"

"Not anyone at the dinner table Jesus Christ." He says. "And I havent actually no. Just Rosie which I wouldnt have fucking done knowing she was sleeping with your fucking brother in law."

"You really ready to let Rosie go?" I ask him. They have been building Rosie and Julian up since Kindergarten to be this powerful couple. They had plans of marriage and kids.

"She already let go..." He says staring into the distance. It sucked, it really sucked feeling like the person you loved couldnt be with you and it was almost like they were dead but alive so even worse.

"I am sorry about your birthday." He says and I roll my eyes. "Yeah you got big big sorry's to give out to Zara." I tell him. "She'll forgive me." He says.

I watch Rosie and Roman reappear and both sit down and she looked calm as fuck.

"I got you the craziest birthday gift." Julian says. "And then I am out of here."

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