Chapter 31

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"I feel like you're part of the FBI or some shit with this headpiece in and the little walkie talkie youre carrying around." I tell Zara who came to hang out with us and was taking a break. She sat down next to me and I pull her in kissing her lips. She rests her head on my shoulder.

She worked hard and I loved seeing her at work. She did it with passion and was having a good time. She loved this place I could tell. She loved the staff and was laughing with them. She handled all the situations well. Besides I love seeing her in a little black dress and thigh high boots. She always complained about the heels but she never changes out of them or wear something sensible. I couldnt complain she looked sexy as fuck and that was my girl, nobody elses.

"I know right. Can I say something through the radio?" Rosie giggles drunk off tbe strawberry shots Zade kept sending her way.

"No." Zara says as Rosie picks it up. "Paging Zara's sexy brother." She says as she laughs at her own joke. Atleast Zara was laughing. I see Zade's ex walk through the crowd and has come up the stairs to the VIP area as she seemed to be looking at the new place she owned.

I could care less about all this but Zade seems to impact Zara a lot. I didn't like seeing her sad or worried and right now she was both. I needed to fucking fix this.

Zade had no intention of buying her out. This place quickly made it on to top clubs of NYC. Julian has blacklisted Zade from Reynolds&Reynolds Law firm which I do not blame him I guess. Zade was fucking crazy getting involved in Rosie and Julian drama.

"Hey Zee." Veronica says walking past.

"Oh my youre so pretty." Rosie says. The girl looks at her and smiles. "Thanks."

Zara ignores her and l felt annoyed this girl was still sat here. "Im Veronica. Her ex sister in law." She says introducing herself.

"You married Zade so you could fuck him in prison." Zara says. "Nothing made us sister in laws."

"Im happy to be the villain in your story." She says. "Youre just a spoiled brat but thats ok. Zee treated you like royalty and turned you into this brat." Zara loves fighting and when she threw my beer over the girl I jump up quickly to stop Zara from attacking her further.

"Fuck, you fucking bitch." She yells at Zara as she grabs whatever she can on the table. I pulled Zara behind me and take the hit of the drink being thrown at me and Veronica clawing at me trying to get to Zara. Jesus...

Security runs up and pulls Veronica off and I watch Zade run up the stairs pushing people away. It was getting harder to contain Zara who slips behind me and runs up to Veronica getting a few hits in before Zade grabs her pulling her off putting her my way. I grab Zara for good this time not letting her slip as much as she was fighting me. "Let go. Let fucking go of me." She yells.

Zade takes Veronica off the security and drags her downstairs. She stopped trying to attack Zara atleast as she pushes Zade off and walks down the steps as Zade follows her down.

"Ill let you go but can you calm down first. She is gone." I tell Zara who stops struggling in my arms. "Im fine." She says and I let her go examining her. Nothing moved even an inch. It was me who was soaked with beer out of all drinks. "Are you good?" Rosie says panicking. Atleast she wasnt involved because Rosie cannot fight for shit. Hannah had appeared and got someone to clear the broken glass.

"They forgot to take these." Rosie says to Hannah as she pointed at the wet floor with napkins. "Calm down barbie." Hannah says rolling her eyes.

"You need to stop calling me barbie." Rosie says rolling her eyes. "I was just trying to help."

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