Chapter 32 - Memories

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Shidou tightly grasped Haniel with both hands, having transformed the broom into <Michael> as Syouji flew in front of him as if to guide his path and smashing away any Bandersnatch units that were in his way while making sure to tuck away something in his breast pocket as if he was protecting something.

The twins charged towards Mukuro, as Shidou readied <Haniel> with the intention of inserting the key into her body,

"<Michael>!" Yet just as she touched the frame of Michael.

"<Unlock> Rataibu"

Mukuro's voice pulsated as a miniature gate opened before the <Michael> that Shidou had previously extended, forcefully sucking its tip inside.

"Wha... huh?"

"—didst thou very regard I let thou doeth that?"

With an incisive look, Mukuro stared at the twins whereas Syouji simply showed a sly smirk while floating behind Mukuro.

"I can't draw this out any longer. I'll make it quick. Shidou lock her in place!"  

"I got it! But how?"

"You'll know when it happens!"

Before Mukuro could do anything else at that moment, Syouji lifted a finger as the key in Shidou's hands distorted and adjusted itself into her stomach, and upon that, he pushed the key deeper in, halting her movement.

"Inconceivable. How..." Mukuro spoke with widened eyes as Syouji winked.

"Even if I can't completely halt your movement, I still have absolute control over <Space>. Not even you can take that away from me." 

However, there was still one thing. With Shidou locking her in place, there was no way for them to unlock Mukuro's feelings.

At that moment however, a lollipop somehow floated out of Syouji's breast pocket and began to emit a light before transforming into the petite figure of a young girl with unkempt hair and a displeased grimace showing on her face and was holding a mimic of <Michael> in her hands she then stabbed Mukuro in the back to keep her in place.

"Alright good job Natsumi, now's your chance Shidou!" 

Syouji exclaimed while holding onto Natsumi's arms, while grimacing, struggling to keep Mukuro in place. 

Right now, they were combining their powers as Syouji kept her in place using his authority over space while Natsumi locked her movements to keep her still. 

Upon that, Shidou widened his eyes at the development.

"W-What the?!" 

"D-D-Do it!" Natsumi stuttered.


Not letting the opportunity go, Shidou pulled out the key from her stomach before impaling Mukuro's vulnerable chest.

"Guh, you—"


Shidou rotated the key punctured in Mukuro as she felt her innermost being, which was sealed being brought to the surface.




Origami's <Einherjar> and Artemisia's laser sword traded blows with each other, slash after slash, dispersing glitters of magic throughout the dusky cosmos.


The critical strikes of the saber as it meandered around her spear battered Origami's arms. It was not difficult for one to perceive that each and every blow executed by her opponent bore persistent killing intent and unswerving might.

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