Chapter 36 - Love and Memories

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Roughly six hours had passed since then. Syouji had brought Mukuro for a stroll through Tenguu city under the assistance of Ratatoskr.

The date was perfect. They walked through many roads, entered any shop which caught their fancy, ate a meal, and went through an art gallery Mukuro had a penchant for. 

Syouji had figured out that Mukuro likes quiet places as opposed to lively, bustling locations, japanese cuisine to western, and classical ornaments to modern accessories. 

When asked if she wanted anything in a jewelry store, to Syouji's surprise, she pointed to a golden fan on display in an antique house across the street.

Despite having the demeanor of a child, her tastes were fairly unsophisticated and rustic in nature.

And hence, the clock had struck seven in the night. The early dusk-befallen winter sun had faded out of the view from the street, and the dark curtains of evening had already obnubilated horizon.

Syouji and Mukuro, who were feeling contented with the entirety of the date's events, sat shoulder to shoulder in the comfort of the bench situated in a relatively deserted park.

Mukuro flourished the previously acquired aureate fan as she blissfully hummed a tune.

<—Not bad. Within this one day, Mukuro has substantially opened the door of her heart to Syouji. He's just a step away from being able to seal her now. It's ironic how much eneergy we spent before. —Don't slack around and press on to the end.>


Syouji glanced at the earnestly happy Mukuro, before tilting his head in contemplation. Kotori must have noticed that as she doubtfully questioned him.

"Nothing... I'm just wondering what could have happened to her in the past causing her to seal her own heart. I'm a little bothered."

That's right. The present Mukuro was indeed filled with joy, and judging by Kotori's words, her happiness level was steadily increasing by the moment. Merely through their interaction today, nothing bad had occurred. One could say that Mukuro was an Angel among all the Spirits.

However, that couldn't be the case.

Mukuro had sealed her heart causing her to enter a state of being unable to feel and incapable of believing. Something must have happened in the past to make her consider such an option. 

<That's... true. However, important one isn't the previous Mukuro, but the current one, right? There has never been a reason not to seal a Spirit's power.>

"I guess so..."


While he was having a conversation with Kotori, Mukuro's laughter came from Syouji's side all of a sudden.

"Now it is pronounced just as Nushi-sama foretold. Today hath verily made Muku of good cheer."

"Ehehe, I'm glad you liked it."

"Hueh. Gramercy prolonging the void of my heart, kept me from enjoying such pleasures. Albeit, reflecting back, to have you go through so much—"

As Mukuro said so, her expression became sharper. Syouji reclined back for a moment while looking at her.

"Hm? What's the matter?"

"—Doth Nushi-sama love Mukuro?"

Mukuro let out a mischievous smile while asking so, cute words which exceeded Syouji's presumptions. 

"Well, I suppose you could say that. I want to protect you." Syouji said that with a smile, feeling as if he was talking to a young Kotori.

"Ehehe, thus, thus. Nushi-sama loves Muku. Hehe."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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