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At the door to the Dark Vault, Photonblade says, "I told you they didn't know we're tailing them."

The Vault door opens and Sideswipe says, "Let's hurry it up before those 'Cons catch up."

Photonblade flies over to the Dark Spark and carefully removes it.

Photonblade then says, "Quickly, the other exit."

Ironhide, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Photonblade rush out of the other exit and they hightail it out of there.

Shockwave then says, "Here we are: the vault door is open."

Ironspan exclaims, "What the?! The Dark Spark is gone!"

The vault doors close as soon as the Decepticons enter the vault.

Ironspan then snarls, "Oh, great, now we're trapped with no way of knowing who took the Dark Spark!"

Shockwave replies, "Not for long."

Laserbeak gets to work on unlocking the doors.

Sideswipe remarks, "Whoa. That was close."

Ironhide replies, "I told you it was too easy! Besides, I prefer a straight up fight."

Photonblade retorts, "Have you forgotten that not every battle has to be fought with brute force?"

Photonblade transforms to his dragon mode and gets the other Autobots on his back.

Then he takes flight before the Insecticon Swarmers, Spitters, and Bruisers can ambush him and his comrades.

After getting enough distance, they manage to make it to the subway station.

After depositing his passengers, Optimus Prime remarks, "Welcome back, Autobots."

Photonblade says as he transforms to robot mode, "Optimus, we have the Dark Spark, and one of my hard light projection clones sealed the doors behind them before disappearing to merge with me. Because of this, we won't have to worry about any Decepticons or Insecticons chasing us. But in all likelihood, the Decepticons might know we're here."

Optimus then says, "Then we had better hurry. Sideswipe, get to the control room and call for a train."

Photonblade then advises, "I suggest we make all possible haste to board the train as soon as it arrives, because the trains are on timers."

Bumblebee and Optimus reply in unison, "Understood." "Understood."

Sideswipe gets to the control room and calls for a train.

Sideswipe says, "We got twelve point five astro-seconds before the train arrives."

Sideswipe meets up with the others and as soon as the train arrives, they immediately get on board.

The train then leaves, and inside the rear car, Photonblade manages to teleport every Autobot Soldier to Iacon.

Shockwave and Ironspan meet on the opposite platform and Ironspan snarls, "They're getting away!"

Shockwave replies, "We have a contingency plan, Ironspan."

Soundwave adds, "No escape."

Shockwave presses a holographic bomb detonator on his right arm and the train explodes in the tunnel.

To be continued...

(Author's notes: See you all in chapter 3: Possession.)

Transformers Fall of Cybertron: Everyone Lives In The ExodusWhere stories live. Discover now