Still Mine

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You walked down the halls with your new boyfriend latched onto your side. It wasn't like you actually cared about him and neither did he for you — it was simply a publicity stunt.

To get back at your ex. Billie Eilish.

One of the most popular girls in school alongside you. You dated for almost 3 years since freshmen year and you broke up because of some stupid argument. Now you were trying to make her jealous.

Which was obviously working.

Billie spotted you from where her locker stood. Her jaw clenched and she had to physically refrain herself from ripping the poor boy away from you and fucking you in front of everyone. Just to claim you as hers again.

"Did Y/N already get a new boyfriend?" One of her friends asked in a shocked tone.

"I'm not surprised." A bystander nearby rolled his eyes. "She really is a whore." He growled, most likely out of jealousy.

The pencil that was held in Billie's hand was suddenly broke in half. She watched you part ways with your 'boyfriend' and the moment she saw you alone, she rushed over.

"What do you want?" You internally smirked at the visible anger and jealousy on Billie's face.

The girl said nothing but grab your arm and yank you into the janitor's closet. "The fuck is that?"

"Who?" You chuckled tauntingly only for it to be slightly cut off when Billie pressed your body against the door, her breath fanning over your face. Oh how you missed her being this close to you.

"You can't just leave me and date some random ass boy 3 weeks later." Billie frustratedly yelled.

"Why not?" You kept testing her.

"Because you're still fucking mine." She slammed her fist directly above your head, purposely causing you to flinch. She lightly grabbed your throat and pull you closer to her face. "Why are you with him?"

"Because you left me." You couldn't help the voice crack in your tone when you spoke. Billie's demeanor softened as she stumbled to keep you in her tightening grip but soon enough her hand retracted from your throat. "You left me over some stupid argument and it hurt so much especially after you promised you wouldn't."

"Fuck." Billie sighed under her breath. She pushed herself against the wall across from you. "I know I broke my promise." She admitted, you knew it took a lot for her to say that out loud. "I-I'm sorry, Y/N/N. You're all I want and I just left you like that."

"Yeah." You mumbled in agreement.

Billie walked closer to you — her whole attitude was completely different from before. She had a much more soft look in her eyes as she looked down at you. "I'm so sorry, mama." She whispered and cupped your face, strokes your cheeks.

"I know." You didn't want to give in so easily but you couldn't resist it. You couldn't resist her. You wrapped your arms around her neck and stuffed your face in your chest. "I really missed you."

"I missed you way more." Billie rubbed your back after wrapping her arms around you too. "I will never leave like that again. And if I do, make sure to slap the shit out of me on the way out."

You giggled at her words which formed a smile on Billie's face. You pecked her cheek and grabbed her hand. "With pleasure."

Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now