More than Him

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3rd Person POV

"What do you mean you'll 'try'?" Billie sat up on the couch, phone pressed against her ear as she talked to Q. "Ugh." Billie pulled her phone away from her head as the line went dead and she collapsed back against the couch.

She ran her hands over her face while the silence of her tour bus enveloped her. Y/N, her 10 year old sister who accompanied the family on the busy tour, suddenly ran inside only to halt in her tracks when she noticed Billie's vibe.

"Bubba?" Y/N called out for her and Billie immediately dropped her hands from her face, wiping the tears away so it wasn't noticeable and say up with a small, forced smile.

"Hey, sis." Billie opened her arms for Y/N. Her little sister not hesitating to lightly jog over, climbing in her lap. "What's up?"

"Are you okay?" Y/N fiddled with the many chains around Billie's neck, her voice soft and filled with curiosity.

"Yeah... y-yeah, I'm good." The older sibling rested her head back against the couch. Y/N's doe eyes gazed up at her sister, her hands flat against Billie's chest.

"Sissy?" She asked, warning a hum in response from Billie. "Do you love Q?"

Billie reopened her eyes and looked down at Y/N who suddenly found the designs on Billie's hoodie interesting. "Yeah, I do, it's just- complicated."

"Well, I love you more than he does." The 10 year old cuddled up against Billie. "It's a fact."

"Is it now?" For the first time tonight, Billie felt a small, real smile form on her lips.

"Definitely." Y/N beamed up at Billie who tilted her head down at her.

"You know what?" Billie asked and Y/N went wide eyed with interest, staring into her sister's similar ocean eyes. "You're right." Billie began tickling Y/N's sides and stomach, making the younger girl burst into a series of giggling fits.

Billie couldn't help but smile at the sound of her sister's laughter, it turned any bad day into a good one.

"Alright, monkey." Maggie popped her head in with a warm smile on her face, beckoning to Y/N. "Time for your bath."

"Okay, mama." Y/N went to run off but Billie gently grabbed her arm for a moment.

"And sis?" The older girl smiled while ruffling little Y/N's hair. "Your love is the only one I need." She winked which made Y/N giggle and excitedly throw her arms around Billie's neck, tightly squeezing her into a hug.

"Let's go." Maggie smiled as Y/N zoomed past her to head to the bathroom. Before leaving the room, Maggie turned to her daughter. "You're a good big sister, Bil."

Billie slowly smiled, her eyes dropping to her lap. "Yeah..." She trailed off for a moment, her grin widening when she heard Y/N and Finneas singing Baby Shark. "I think I am too."

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