A Family Betrayal(Chapter 30)

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(Courtney's POV)

I ran, I ran as far away as I can away from the place with Otto and Bulgaria on my tail, why? I found out their way of "fixing" me, Soviet and Third found out and they told me. I saw the paper and all the countries' signatures on there, and thats when everything falls down. Weimar warned me that there is a high chance I may not surrive, G.E did it and made it through becuase he was country and was around 16 or 18 a very low chance of dying. I don't even think they could die, only collasping and then reapear but can't control the land and goverment.

-10 minutes ago-

"Is there a way to lower the chance of death?" I asked

I was shaking in Soviet's hold, none of us knew of this that the others made. Thats why the countries were talking so much about the priest, it was about this. I thought they knew about my family but it may not be it, this time I am not taking a life or death risk.

"None that I could think off." responed Weimar

"Then what do I do?" I wishpered

"You get away from here, run as far as you can and don't look back." I heard Soviet say "Make sure they don't catch you."

I nodded as Soviet released me from the hug. I went toward my backpack and packed up my things which were just toothbrushs and clothings. Third, Weimar, and Soviet swore an oath to never tell enyone about this only the three of us. After finishing packinhg, I deiced to do something stupid but would be worth it if I did lose them, or they lose me.

"You guys want to take one last picture?" I asked.

"Yes." they all said

Weimar pulled out his camera as I got my phone, Weirmar snapped a picture of the four of us and me. I also snapped a pitcure on my phone without them noticing, I was almost cautgh my Third when he saw the camera light. I was packed, my backpack looked normal but it was hecka light. I told them I am going to use the restroom, okay I kinda lied to them I need to call Erick. As he picked up the phone, I told him everything in a summary. Erick wished me luck and told me to try to go to another country, but that would be immposible without a passport. I hanged up and went back to my room where the three countries were, Weimar handed me the photos he took. I told him to keep those, since I would remember them in my mind and many ways. Third gave me the yellow papper with the countries signatures, I read though them understanding what will happen if I get caught. The processes was only used once on a person which was G.E, they will send a strong electrity in your body after spraying holy water and some speeches that they think would help weaken the "Demon" in the host's head.

"This is basicly like an electric chair." I mumbbled

"What was that?" asked Third

"Nothing brother, just some words in mind."

Yep I called an evil country my brother, Weimar is also my brother now. After learning that Soviet was a part of my family, they also wanted to be in it. At first I thought they were joking, but they are now offically my two new brothers, not by blood though. I placed my backpack on my back with the yellow paper still in hand, I went downstairs after bidding goodbye. On one hand I need to leave to escape death, but on the other hand I want to seem them again since they are my family. Soviet decided to walk me out the door as well as Weimar and Third, I rememberd the paper in my hand and went to the living room to place it back where Soviet found it. Just as I was walking toward the cabinet, Otto, A.E and Bulgaria came in. They laid their eyes on me and on the paper in my hand putting two an two together. I dropped the paper and dashed for the now opened door, Soviet and my other two brothers were no where to be seen, I placed a good bye letter in the room I stayed in. I thanked them and everything in that letter, oh well.

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