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New York

"OK!" Chrys exclaims as she walks into the hotel lobby. "Just a few hours till the ceremony, everyone from the guest list is here... Managed to find a parking spot for all the bots to park at..."

"Hun, it'll be ok," Jazz says, walking beside her. "The reception and venue is booked, we have everything in order, you can relax."

"No, listen, if anything goes wrong I will explode, if that parking lot we found nearby is full and Mirage is LATE..." The two near the hotel bar where two of the Autobots sit, Ironhide and Ratchet already having a drink.

"Primus, who chose the venue-" Ratchet complains.

"MIRAGE DID!" Chrys snaps, Ratchet raises his brows in surprise, Ironhide stifling a laugh. "Sorry, I didn't sleep last night-" she says, pinching the bridge of her nose. "It's a nice venue but he completely forgot to take into account that most of you guys are cars and we are in New York."

"Mirage suggested having us park at the old abandoned warehouse where he and Noah properly met, if that building still exists, I know Brainstorm has to park there anyway," Arcee says, walking up with Wendy. The two are already in wedding attire, Wendy wearing a purple lacy sundress and Arcee in a red suit and white dress shirt. She gives a friendly wave and frowns at seeing how stressed out Chrys looks.

"You ok?" Wendy asks.

"'M fine, after the reception I WILL pass out in Jazz though," Chrys says.

"So you're not ok," Kaede says as he walks up with Optimus. Their hair is slicked back and they're wearing a navy button up and black dress pants. Optimus wears a navy suit with a black button up and red tie, he gives a curt nod to both Jazz and Chrys. "Listen, you did a good job planning, plus you volunteered," they point out. Optimus nudges them and gives them a look, disapproving. "Point is, I'm sure both of them already appreciate what you're doing for them, we just all have to make it to the ceremony," Kaede says. He looks at his watch. "That being said, Optimus and I are heading out early since we need to find an alleyway for him to park in since I don't think the parking lot we found lets semis park there. Bye!" They run off after that, Optimus walking briskly beside them.

Optimus and Kaede drive around the block where the venue is a few times before finding the least sketchy looking alleyway for Optimus to park in. They walk to the venue, making their way up to the rooftop. Kaede splits off to go see Noah while Optimus heads over to where Mirage is. Kaede reaches the ready room and knocks on the open door, peering in.

"Oh, hey, Cade," Noah says when he turns to see who it is. Next to him is his younger brother Kris. Noah wears a plain grey suit with a blue tie.

"You nervous?" Kaede asks.

"Not really," Noah says. "We've been together for a while... this eventually had to happen." A pause. "Raj on the other hand is freaking out, it's been making me feel weird all day. Charlie really wasn't joking about the shared emotions thing. It's like being anxious but to the left."

"Hopefully Optimus helps calm him down," Kaede says. He looks at Kris this time. "You're Kris, right?" they say. "Everyone else got to meet you last year but I was uh kidnapped by Decepticons when you came to visit," he says, putting his hand out to shake Kris'. Kris takes it and gives an awkward chuckle.

"Yeah, had to talk some sense into all of Noah's friends," Kris says. "And him."

"Yeah, not one of my greatest moments," Noah sighs.

"You also thought your husband was dead," Kris replies. "And it's the reason why you decided to finally marry him. At 43!"

"God, you're old," Kaede teases.

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