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Sector Seven Base

The base has been operating as usual, communications and tech continuing their work. As NEST was still disbanded, most of the agents had either moved on or gone home for the time being to make the most of it, including Lennox and Epps. Noah opted to stay in New York for the time being with Mirage. Kaede, Wendy and Chrys remained, working with the other divisions whenever they had the work for them. Most days, Kaede spends time with Ratchet, Chrys in the lab and Wendy off in communications.

The past few weeks had been eerily quiet, Optimus suddenly having free time instead of being dragged into endless diplomatic talks with Jazz with the US government, Haley, Clint and Director Mearing. It had been a stalemate for a while now, Optimus and Jazz both refusing to give the US government any schematics for weapons or anything energon related.

One evening, Optimus had opted to go out for a drive, Kaede staying on base to work on something in his apartment. It was getting late and as Kaede was about to get ready for bed, the lights suddenly went off, leaving him in the dark. After a few brief moments, the emergency lights come on, a loud red illuminating them. They feel that feeling in their stomach again and everything in them tenses. He hears the sound of muffled gunshots from outside of his apartment. He bolts into his room, grabbing his bug out bag and cash stashed away in case of emergency. Running out of his apartment, they see smoke filling the main area of the base. He takes his scarf and wraps it around their face, masking to try and block out the smoke. Kaede's grabbed by someone he can't identify, Kaede struggles briefly before the person speaks.

"CADE! Cade, it's me," Sideswipe says, in his holoform. "We gotta get outta here, man, they've blocked the main exit, Wheeljack's trying to break through right now."

"Who are these guys?" Kaede asks. There's more gunshots and Sideswipe and Kaede duck into one of the storage closets.

"We don't know, but whoever they are, they know our weak spots," Sideswipe says. "They've started grabbing a bunch of agents and shooting some of them," he says frantically. There's a loud BOOM outside and Sideswipe grabs Kaede's wrist and drags them out of the closet. They both run into the main atrium, the remaining Autobots in the area shooting towards the assailants in their bot modes.

"Sunny!" Sideswipe calls out. "I got Cade!"

"Good!" she replies. "Get them out of here, we can't have these guys in possession of the Allspark," she says, turning her attention back to shooting.

"Heads up!" Wheeljack yells out, throwing a grenade. It explodes on impact, pushing aside the vehicles that block the rest of the way. The Autobots transform and stream out of the base, one by one. Ironhide is the first one to go, ramming through the destroyed vehicles to clear a path.

Sideswipe transforms and opens the door for Kaede to get in.

"Come on!" Sideswipe says. Before Kaede can get in, one of the enemies throws a device that sticks onto Sideswipe's frame. Kaede's eyes widen and he ducks out of the way as it blows up, blasting a hole in Sideswipe's frame. Sideswipe yells out in pain, transforming back into his root mode. "Shit. SUNNY!" he calls out. Sunstreaker immediately makes her way over. "You gotta take Cade and get him outta here," he says, gritting his denta as he attempts to stop the bleeding.

"WHAT? I'm not leaving without you, Sides, that isn't how we do things," Sunstreaker argues.

"There isn't enough time! Get them out of here, like you said, the Allspark can't get into the wrong servos," Sideswipe says. "I'll hold them off and meet up with you," Sideswipe grits out. "GO!" he yells. Sunstreaker backs off briefly, looking at Kaede and back at Sideswipe. She grits her denta and grabs Kaede, transforming and races out of base.

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