Chapter 28

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The party went on till midnight. Everyone had a blast. All the guests who were present congratulated Vivaan and Somya on their engagement once again before leaving. Soon only Ishita, Vivaan ,Somya, Shreshth and Ansh were left. They were sitting in the front yard looking at the sky. Well Ishita and Somya were sleeping and Vivaan was half-sleep. So it was only Shreshth and Ansh stargazing. It was a beautiful night. Half moon was out in the sky, stars were sparkling in the sky. The constellation of Orion could be seen. A cool breeze was blowing. The atmosphere was calm and serene.

"It is beautiful, isn't it," stated Ansh looking towards the sky.

"Yes, it is," Shreshth answered.

Ansh turned to look at Shreshth contemplating whether he should say it or not. What if Shreshth is disgusted by him? What if their friendship is destroyed? What will he do then? BUT if he doesn't say anything, he will never know. No. He should tell Shreshth how he feels about him. He should be honest.

Ansh took a deep breath and sat up straight. He turned towards Shreshth and said, "Shreshth."

"Mm," Shreshth said.

"I, um, I wanted to tell you something."

Shreshth sat up straight while frowning. "Is everything ok, Ansh?"

"Yeah, yeah everything is fine. I just... Shreshth I, will you go out with me?"

"What?," asked Shreshth, stunned.

Ansh gulped nervously before saying, "I like you, Shreshth. More than as a friend. I want to get to know you, spend time with you, be with you when you need me, share with you your happiness and sorrow. So will you give me the chance? Will you go out with me?"

"No," said Shreshth, looking at Ansh as if he was some disgusting thing under his shoe. "How could you even think that? Just because I accepted you as my friend you think I will go on a date with someone like you?"

"No, I..."

"Let me finish, Ansh. I became friends with you out of pity. Not because I actually see you as my friend. Did I make myself clear? Ansh?"



Ansh looked at his surroundings with a dazed look. He then looked at Shreshth who stared at him in distress.

"Ansh, what happened? Why are you crying?," Shreshth asked.

"I am crying?" Ansh felt his face and found that he was indeed crying.

"Yes. You said you wanted to ask something. But then you spaced out and started crying. Are... Is everything ok?," asked Shreshth once again.

"Yeah, I... it's nothing. I just, I wanted to ask what you will be doing day after tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Well, I am going to pay a visit to my mothers," Shreshth told Ansh.

"Mothers?," Ansh asked surprised.

"Yep. They are the ones who raised me after my own parents... abandoned me," Shreshth said, a sad tone in his voice.

"Oh, I, I am sorry."

"Don't be. By the way, would you like to come with me? To visit them."

"Yes. I, I would love to." Shreshth smiled at Ansh before both went back to stargazing.


The next day, Ansh went back to home. As soon as he reached home, his sister bombarded him with questions.

"So, how was the party?," Anshika asked.

"It was great," Ansh answered.

"Did Shreshth like your look?"

"He did."

"Did you finally ask him out?"

Ansh sighed and said,"No, I could not."

Anshika stared at Ansh blankly for while before yelling,"WHAT!? How could you miss this golden opportunity, you dumbass brother," while hitting him with cushion. All Ansh could do was run away from his demonic sister while cursing himself as well.

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