12. Free period

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Mavis couldn't believe what she told Lesso. How could she be so stupid! Lesso probably hates her now...  it was free Period now, which meant students are free to do as they please... to get her mind off what happened earlier, Mavis went to the library for some study time...and also peace and quiet... after stopping by her dorm for a quite bite to eat, she headed to the library...

Entering the library, Mavis looked around and noticed it was empty... thank goodness! She didn't even bother to turn the lights on , as it was more cozy in a darker room... Mavis headed to the second floor and sat against the railing and began studying her notes she took during her classes...

Suddenly the library doors opened and both deans walked In .

"Alright Leo what in you mind?" Dovey asked.

Mavis not wanting to get caught , changed into her bat form and hooked her claws onto one of the light fixtures...

"It's one of my students..." Lesso began...

"Okay and , what about them?" Dovey asked.

"They have a huge crush on me, and I don't know what to do! Evers are better at true love than Nevers, so I was hoping you could give me some advice..." Lesso said as she started pacing with her arms crossed...

" that's so cute! Which student are you talking about?" Dovey asked suddenly fascinated by the subject of true love...

"The vampire..." Lesso said

"Mavis? Lesso she's adorable! And I don't usually like Nevers! You're much older than she is she's only 16...!" Dovey said.

" actually she's 116 years old, vampires age much slower than humans do!" Lesso stated..

"So technically Mavis is older than you by a lot. Like a lot lot..." Dovey said.

"Don't start with me sparkles!" Lesso snapped which made Dovey chuckle.

"Oh relax Leo... anyways do you like Mavis?" Dovey asked...

Bats have exceptionally great hearing, and mavis was hearing every word they spoke...

"Well... she's a very talented student ; she changed Hort into a werewolf during class! Using your talent to help another bring out their talent is next to impossible, and she did it like it was no big deal. She's cute, charming, she only needs a few hours of sleep per month like I do!!! She's also lost someone very close to her; her mother. Except the person I lost was toxic as hell..." Lesso said.

"I heard about Mavis losing her mother. I feel horrible for Dracula and even more horrible for Mavis. Mavis needs someone in her life that makes her feel special and beautiful, and loves her for who she truly is! You could be that person for her! Go tell her Leo..." Dovey said as they both left the library.......

Mavis couldn't believe it! Lesso likes her also! Lesso doesn't hate Mavis, in fact it's the complete opposite, and Lesso thinks she's talented, Mavis blushed at the thought of it. Lesso never calls her students talented...

The bell rang signaling free period was over and it was dinner time.... Mavis packed up her school supplies and headed down to dinner.

A/n:  hey everyone!!! Sorry about the delayed update .. thank you for all the votes!!!

K byeeee!

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