Chapter 31

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They let your mom stay with you for the night but sent Taylor home. Your mom sat by your side the whole time, while the doctors arranged everything to get you a room. You cried yourself to sleep in the ER at about 11pm. At 2am a nurse came in and told your mom that there was a room available and that they were going to move you there. Your mom woke you up and helped you get in a wheelchair; she pushed it while she followed the nurse. Once she showed you your room, you settled in and they let Andrea stay for your first night, until visiting hours started the next day. Visits were allowed from 10am-4pm. However, she was going home at 10 and Taylor was switching with your mom so she could rest, your sister was staying with you for the visiting hours period.

You slept until 8am when a nurse woke you up because she was going to draw some blood out, they needed to run some hepatic and renal tests. You wanted to sleep for a bit more, but the nurse came back and brought a tray with your breakfast, but you just stayed there and stared at the food without talking or moving for 30 minutes. Your mom tried to encourage you to pick up the fork and start eating until a doctor came in and introduced herself as Dr. Khan, the leader of the interdisciplinary team that would be working with you at the hospital.

- "You need to start eating within the next 15 minutes or we'll give you 2 supplements instead" Dr. Khan said.

- "Come on, sweetie you can do it" your mom said.

- "I don't like this" you said pushing away the food.

- "It's just oatmeal porridge topped with banana and blueberries; you have had that at home before" your mom insisted.

- "Yeah, but I like how you, Taylor or I do it. This looks gross and disgusting" you replied.

- "Then eat the banana and the blueberries, let's start with that" your mom kept insisting.

You ignored her and turned your head to look through the window. After 15 minutes a nurse removed your food and put two cups filled with supplement for you to drink. Your mom sat by your side and motivated you to drink the supplement, but you kept refusing. After a while she tried to distract you for a bit by asking if you wanted her to buy a coloring book for you, or if you wanted her to ask Taylor to bring a book or the paint-by-numbers painting, so you could have something to do while in the hospital; but you said that you were not staying for long, so you didn't need any of those things. Taylor was walking down the hall, looking for your room when she heard your mom screaming:

- "Don't you see it, Elizabeth? Your body is shutting down, it's giving up on you! If you keep refusing to eat or drink the supplement, I assure you that you will be staying here for a long time, if you don't die first!"

Your jaw dropped. You looked at your mom in complete shock. Taylor walked in and saw your mom in tears. As soon as Andrea saw Taylor, she grabbed her bag and left without even saying goodbye to you or saying hi to Taylor. The blonde approached to your bed and stroke your hair gently in silence for some minutes, but the silence was broken when a nurse came in with a tray carrying your morning snack.

- "Elizabeth, you know you need to drink those. Anyway, I'll leave your morning snack here" she said placing the tray in the little table in front of you.

Taylor smiled and thanked the nurse and she left.

- "How did last night go, baby? How are you feeling?" Taylor said and kept stroking your hair.

You broke down in tears, no one had asked you how you were feeling since you had gotten there: - "I don't want to be here. I want to go home. It went horrible: I hate this bed, I hate the sheets, I was so cold all the damn night, I almost couldn't fall asleep; and when I did, the nurse woke me up to draw some blood."

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