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I was walking back home by myself, I checked the time and it 6:46. Dang I was supose to be home at 6, how am I going to explain to them? Its was all their fault not mine, they picked the fights, I am lucky that I have bandages to cover it up. I was now at the front gate of the house, soon I was at the front door.

"What should I say?" I groaned "You know what eff this I'll just make up a story, can't be that hard."

I rang the door bell and soon someone opened it, I tilted my head up a bit and saw HRE infront of me. He greeted me by noddin his head and let me step through, I covered my face with my hair and hat. He told me that dinner was already finished, I wasn't feeling hungry but if I say that then he will know something is up. I thanked him and went to the dinning room, were there sat Prussia and Rectangle. My eyes met theirs as I sat down on one of the chairs, infront of me was a plate of chicken. Chicken is my favorite, but today is not the day I don't feel hungry. Pain is the only thing I feel, my face and stomach hurts. It even hurt to move around my hands, I been beaten up very badly, at least I deffended myself the most I can. My nose hurts the most I feel like there is still blood dripping down. My food infront of me was getting cold but I still didn't want to eat it.

"You've been awfully silent." said Prussia as he took a sip from his glass "Your food is getting cold."

"I'm just not very hungry today, thats all." I said quietly but loud enough for them to hear.

"And why is that?" Asked Rectangle "You didn't come back to eat lunch, and you also came back home late."

I stayed silent, maybe they will move on and let this topic go?

"Your suppose to come back at 6 and it's 6:50." Prussia checked his watch and looked back at me. "Something happened while you are coming back, am I correct?"

I nodded, I can't lie to Prussia he could figure anything out. This guy is literally Sherlock Homes himself, I can't hide anything from him.  He is also the one I fear the most, I took a deep breath and looked up at the two empires at the table.

"I believe you got into a fight?" Asked Prussia while starring at my face. 

"He was the one that started it." I said, I wanted to shrink into a small ant and run away. 

I sense Rectangle's glare across the room, I fidget the end of my shirt. The room was too silent, I was feeling hungry just tired. I excused myself from the table and was about to walk out the dinning room.

~45 minutes ago~

"Your such a weirdo, look at her eyes." Laughed a group of classmates I walked past. "I heard the countires adopted her becuase her parents abandoned her." 

I stopped on my track and looked behind for a moment before continuing to walk away. The group followed behind me mocking me, saying how ugly or weird I am. I ignored their hurtful words and tried to take a different route in school, their laughter and words taunted me for a bit. 

"You know I would do the same." I heard one of them laugh "I would instead abandon her in a adoption center." 

They asked for it, I turned around to only be met with a fist in my face sending me to the ground. That hurts a lot, I was sure that my nose was broken and thich red blood came dripping down my nose. Without any words to say I tackled the boy that first hit me to the ground, but only to be thrown away again. I put my hands up for a fight and soon he did the same, a group of students surrounded us creating a ring. 

"If you want to fight then lets fucking fight." I cursed

I remember him repeatly hit my face until it was black and blue, I would then return the favor but not as hard as his punches. The teachers came and broke us apart sending both of us to the nurse to get patched up. I was beaten up bad while the boy was covered with bloody red, the nurse was freaked out becuase she thought the boy was bleeding red blood. (They bleed black blood) He told her that the blood was not his, and was sent to the wash room to get clean. After I was patched up I was sent out, I got a head start and ran back home. I got tired half way and walked the rest. 

~Present Time~

"Who is he?" questioned Rectangle making be stop in my track. 

I took a deep breath, I know what he is going to do it brutal. "An classmate of mine, forget about him." 

"How can I, look at what he done to you!" Shouted Rectangle while Prussia tried to calm him down.

"It's alright, I gone through worse." I said which was true "Good night, fathers" 

I went out the room and softly closed the door behind me. I held in my tears, I hope the boy keeps his distance tommorw. Rectangle will be watching me and I know what he is exactly going to do, maybe he'll hit lighter since he is about my age. I pray that no one will be harmed tommorw, but right now I am very tired. 

Stuck in HISTORY | Book 1| ❤(Countryhumans )❤Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora