Chapter 47

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Leilani's POV

I could have sworn that my heart stopped. "What do you mean spelled?" I asked. "I'm sorry Lani but no wolf can mask their scents without any help. Your brother must have been spelled when he was quite young." Calvin said.

"Let's not worry too much. If for some reason a witch spelled him to be able to mask his scent, then it's a blessing rather than a curse. "Dean said.

Alex wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. "It's okay." He murmured.

"I'll speak to your father and see if he knows anything about this. Does Nevel have any other...different qualities?" Calvin asked. "Not that I know of." I responded.

"Okay, Dean is right though dear. Don't worry about it. This actually works great for our situation." Calvin added. "If anyone asks who he is, he's your cousin." Debbie said pointing at the twins.

"I can go with that." Kelly said ruffling Nevel's blonde curls. "Cole don't screw this up." Debbie said. "Ouch mum. Wow." Cole responded rolling his eyes.

"You can go shopping but the boys are going with you." Calvin declared. "What? "Alex asked shocked. "No." Alan stated. "I was heading to the gym." Cole whined.

"It's not up for discussion. Guards will trail you from a distance." Calvin said turning to go back up. "Uncle, this is so unfair."Cole whined collapsing on the couch.

They turned to Bertha. "Sorry boys but I'm with them on this one. It's for your own good." Bertha said going upstairs. "Don't look at me." Dean said getting up and following. "No." Debbie said before they could say anything.

"Shall we?" Kelly asked enthusiastically. The boys groaned walking away. "Where are you going?" Kelly asked. "Keys." They responded.

~~time skip~~

"That doesn't look like something he'll wear." Alex said looking at the onesie Kelly was holding. "It's cute though." Kelly said raising the koala onesie.

"This is better. "Alex said raising the giraffe onesie. "What about this? Stitch is sort of a koala." Cole said waving the stitch onesie. "That's ridiculous. He'll look so hot in this." Shaun said waving the devil onesie he had.

I rolled my eyes and walked away. I went to the next aisle for his school clothes and supplies. I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and saw Alan.

"Are they done arguing? "I asked as I continued getting stuff he'd need. "It's pointless anyway. I already got him grim reaper onesies. "Alan said with a shrug.

"Way to frighten him." I responded rolling my eyes. "I was actually looking for some hair dye." He stated. "Why?" I asked confused. "He'd look better with black hair." He responded.

"No." I simply responded. He rolled his eyes. "Lani."he suddenly called. "Yeah." I responded. "Do you know how to fight?"he asked. "Yeah,I've been training since I was a kid." I responded. He nodded.

He took out his phone. "Why?" I asked  confused at his random question. "No reason. "He said pushing his phone back into his pocket. I heard a cracking noise from above us. I looked up and the glass tile from the floor above shattered into pieces.

Alan grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, shielding me from the glass. He pulled away. "Are you okay? "I asked. He nodded before turning to look behind him.

Alex's wolf was on top of a wolf I didn't recognize. "Don't kill him, Xan. We need answers. "Alan stated. "Alpha." A man said looking at the scene. He must be security or something.

I was so confused. "Shift." Shaun growled. He was standing infront of Kelly. I noticed Cole behind with Nevel face buried in his chest.

Shaun growled as his claws elongated. "Shift."he repeated again in a dark voice. I was shocked this voice was coming from Shaun. Alex got off the man that now laid on the ground covered in blood and scratch marks.

Shaun grabbed the man by the throat like a bag of garbage while Alex shifted back. "What do you want from us?" Alex asked with his alpha tone. The man smirked.

Shaun tightened his grip on his neck. "Is something amusing? "Alan asked calmly pulling out a knife. I decided to interfere. "Alan don't. Let's take this to the pack house. "I said.

"We'll go pay for the stuff." Cole called in a normal voice as not to scare Nevel. However, the glare he shot at the man made it clear that he was deadly.

"Can I help, Alpha?"the security man asked. He obviously felt guilty about his alpha getting attacked under his watch. "It's okay Graham. Make sure he's the only one and report back to me." Alex commanded.

So hot. Lani focus. "He can't breathe Shaun." Kelly said. Shaun loosened his grip but the smirk on his face showed that he knew what he was doing. "He just ruined shopping for me." I muttered.

"Did you know he was there?" I asked Alan who seemed oddly calm. "He followed us since we left the pack house." Alex stated. "We wanted to see what he'd do so we let you go off on your own." Alex added.

"When they were arguing, I noticed him looking at us from the top so I followed you and texted Alex."Alan stated. "So they want me?" I asked worried. "Seems like it. "Alex muttered.

"How do rogues make it this far into the territory?" Alan growled. "Shaun stop it. He's unconscious. "Kelly said to Shaun who looked like he was enjoying squeezing the man's neck.

"I'm done. "Cole said coming back. I decided to replace him and take Nevel. "What's going on?" Nevel asked. "The tile broke and the man fell. "I lied. "Then why was Alex attacking him?"he asked.

"I was trying to talk to his wolf." Alex responded going along with it. "You were biting his neck. "Nevel stated. "I was checking for a pulse." Alex said. Nevel looked at Shaun who was holding the unconscious man.

"He was really sleepy. "Shaun said. Nevel crossed his arms and glared at me. "I'll explain later." I sighed. It's dad's fault. This boy is too smart for his age.

"I'm taking the rogue back." Alan said with a smirk as we walked over to the cars. "Just don't kill him." Alex said. "Things happen. "Alan shrugged.

Shaun dropped the man on the ground and Alan dragged him over to his trunk. I didn't want to ask why he already had ropes in his car. I went with Alex who seemed like he was still in alpha mode.

Nevel went with Cole and Kelly went with Shaun. Alex was quiet for a while. "Are you mad at me?" I decided to ask. He snapped out off his thoughts. "Why would I be mad at you?" He asked confused.

"I don't know, for going off on my own." I responded. He placed his hand on my knee and left the other to drive. "I'm not mad at you."he said softly.

"I'm just worried, he was too close. I could have lost you. They could've taken you away again." He said tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

I placed my hand over his and our fingers entwined. "No one's going to take me anywhere." I said leaning over to kiss his cheek.

He blushed. I chuckled at how cute he was. "Shut up."he muttered blushing even more.

~~time skip~~

"Kids, you're back home early." Calvin said when we walked in. "We ran into a little rogue problem. "Alex growled. "What?" Debbie growled. "Some rogue was following us." Alan stated.

Calvin and Dean shared a look. "What happened?" Alex asked. "The rogues we had in the dungeon for questioning...were murdered." Calvin stated.

"How?" Cole growled. "There was a faint scent of another rogue, so he or she might have come to make sure they didn't reveal anything." Calvin stated.

Could it be the same rogue that was following us? "Where is the rogue that was following you?" Calvin asked. "Chained in the dungeon." Alan responded.

"We might not be dealing with normal rogues." Debbie stated. "Why do you think so?" Kelly asked. "They left a note." Bertha said picking up a piece of paper from the table.

Long live the king of rogues. He will return. Beware for he shall always rise.

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