Chapter 56

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Alexander's POV

"Kelly please hear me out." I said following the girls down. I heard Lani tell Nevel to unmask his scent.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. "Nevel, it's okay. Do it." Lani said. Nevel looked at Ivy and looked down.

The room was suddenly overcome with a stronger power. It wasn't only Lani. "W-ho...who are you?" Ivy stuttered.

"Ivy, this is my little brother." Lani stated. "You're a prince? You're the prince? There's a prince?" Ivy exclaimed.

"It's still me though." Nevel responded. "I was talking to THE PRINCE OF WOLVES." Ivy exclaimed in shock.

"I had to mask my scent because it isn't safe." Nevel explained. "So you lied to me? You're not Kelly's cousin?"she asked.

"No. I'm Lei's brother." Nevel sighed. "Ivy, we asked Nevel to mask his scent so people wouldn't recognize him."Kelly said.

"We thought his life could be in danger because of the rogue king. It still could, so you have to promise not to tell anyone that the prince is here. No one should know he exists for now." Lani said.

"Not even your mum or sister. Especially, not your cousin." I stated. Kelly rolled her eyes not bothering to look at me.

"I'm not speaking to you." Ivy stated crossing her arms. "Is little Ariel mad at me?" I asked confused. "You made Kelly sad."she responded.

"You've got to be kidding me." I muttered. "Trust me, they aren't." Nevel responded. "Just go." Lani said waving me off. "You too?" I asked.

"Chicks before-" "I get it." I said placing my hand over her mouth. She glared at me. "So if I get Kelly to forgive me, you'll be my little Ariel again?" I asked.

She nodded. "Good luck with that." Nevel muttered pointing at Kelly who was already walking out of the kitchen. I sighed.

"So can we trust you to keep this a secret?" I asked. "I'll do it." She said. "Thank-"she raised her hand to stop me. "I'll do it for, Lei, Kelly and Nevel."she completed.

Well, she's going to be sassy when she grows up. "I'm going to talk to Kelly." I said walking out. I met Cole and Kelly sitting on the couch.

Wow, both of them have never been mad at me at the same time. It's normally Cole and I against Kelly. Kelly didn't look at me and I wish Cole didn't either.

All I saw in his eyes was sadness, not even a trace of anger. I knew I'd fucked up this time. Heck, I don't even know where to start.

"I'll be in my room, Kels." Cole muttered getting up. "Please hear me out first." I said grabbing his arm before he could walk past me.

"Happy birthday." I said trying to break the ice. However, the identical glares told me I just added another layer of ice.

"Guys, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to keep this from either of you. When Shaun told me the truth, he wasn't in the right state of mind. He was so scared of rejection.

I thought, maybe if he could just win you over and show you that he's willing to make it work, maybe you'd forgive him.

I am really sorry. Please, you know I'll never purposely hurt either of you. You're like my siblings, but Shaun is also my friend and I wanted you both happy... together." I added.

Cole looked back at Kelly. She nodded. I hate when they do this, I can never tell what they're thinking. "I'm still pissed." Kelly muttered.

"I know." I responded. "But, I know you didn't mean to hurt me." Kelly added with a small smile.

"If course not, Kels. You don't know how glad I am that you met your mate." I said wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug. She hugged me back but didn't say anything.

"Cole?" I said wondering if he had forgiven me. "What?"he responded. "Are we okay?" I asked. "Shaun isn't my mate."he responded.

"You know what mean." I said. "Do I? Maybe I don't know you as well as I thought I did." Cole said turning to go upstairs.

"Cole, come on. You know me better than anyone." I said pulling away from Kelly and getting up.

"And you know me Xan, so tell me. Tell me why you kept this from me. Since when did you guys start keeping secrets from me?" Cole asked angrily.

"Cole, I'm sorry." I sighed running my fingers through my hair. He sighed. "Fine, I forgive you." He muttered going upstairs. "It doesn't seem like it." I muttered.

Well, I can say that was a 50% success. Cole has never been this mad at me before. "He'll come around." Kelly said. I hope so.

"Xan, do you think I should like...maybe speak to Shaun?" She asked.

"That's up to how you feel, but I'm really sure he's freaking out in his room right now. It's your decision." I said kissing her forehead gently.

"I take it Cole still isn't speaking to us." Alan muttered coming downstairs. "What makes you think that?" I asked sarcastically.

"He just passed me in the hallway without touching me. Not even a glance." Alan said sounding shocked.

"Oh and Kelly by the way, I wanted to tell you when I found out. Xander said no." Alan stated with a shrug. "Little snitch." I muttered. He smirked.

"So your mate is upstairs being a little princess, anything from Cole?" Alan asked. "That's offensive." Lani said walking in.

"Shut it, princess. This isn't about you." Alan said waving her off. "Why? Worried you're not his mate?" Lani teased.

"You know, I miss the days you were shy. How about I shut you up permanently." Alan threatened. "I'm not scared of you." Lani stated slowly walking towards me. I chuckled.

"Isn't your dad supposed to be here today? He wouldn't be pleased with you killing the princess." Kelly said.

"He'll be here by the time your party starts. Those hours are enough to cover up a murder." Alan said smirking.

"Can you stop freaking out my mate." I said wrapping my arms around Lani and pulling her to sit next to me.

"Sorry ovaries before...brovaries?" Lani said creating distance between us. "It's okay, Lani." Kelly chuckled.
"You're okay?" She asked. I nodded.

"Then, where's Cole?"she asked. "He doesn't want to talk." I responded. "Bros before hoes." She said crossing her arms. I sighed.

"I think you're the ho." Alan whispered with a smirk. "I got it." I snapped back. He shrugged.

"Go talk to him." Lani ordered. "Is it okay if we go play outside?" Ivy asked walking in with Nevel. Lani seemed to think about it before nodding.

"Mask your scent." Lani said. "Okay." Nevel responded. "Stay away from the borders." Alan said. Nevel nodded.

"Okay, Alan." Ivy said coldly. At least she tried, to me, she just sounded cute. Alan raised his eyebrow. "She's also mad." I responded.

"How was Shaun when you left him?" I asked. "I literally don't know how to describe it without seeming mean." Alan responded.

I should check on him. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Cole. "Are you okay?" I asked. He didn't respond. He threw me a piece of paper with no emotion on his face.

I'm going to find the rogue king...well my dad. Don't worry about me. I'll be back by dinner. Lol.


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