Chapter 48

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Alexander's POV

King of rogues? "Since when was there a King of rogues. Rogues don't follow leaders." Lani said running her hand through her hair.

"Actually, no. I read it in a book back home." Nevel stated getting everyone's attention. "Rogues don't obey just anyone, especially when it's been years since they've gone rogue." He said.

"During the first months of their rogue life, rogues feel indebted to someone who helps them." Nevel added.

"So someone out there is helping out rogues in their early stages?" Dad asked. "Possibly. "Nevel responded. "Nev, what else do you remember from the book?" I asked.

"Well, rogues become fiercely loyal to their new leaders. They won't betray them. Ever." Nevel stated.

"Well this just got interesting. "Alan muttered. "Guys, if Nevel is right then the rogue is of no use to us." Kelly said.
"He'll talk. They always do." Cole said cracking his knuckles.

"Cole stop." Uncle Dean commanded. "Rogues are dangerous on their own, but they'll certainly be stronger following the commands of some deranged lunatic." He added.

"But dad they're after Lani." Kelly said. "We'll handle this. Do not go down to the dungeons. I'm very serious about this. "Dad commanded. I knew there was no room for argument.

"Calvin you can't seriously expect us not to do anything. "Lani said. "No, I expect you to stay safe." Dad said. "I'm with Lani on this one, uncle. "Alan said sitting down.

"I need you kids to trust me on this one. Please, this is for your own sake." Dad said. "Fine." Lani murmured. "Fine I  won't go after them... If they don't come after me." Alan added.

"Fair enough. "Dad said looking at Cole and I. "Why are you looking at us?" Cole  asked. "Because I trust Shaun and Kelly not to go against my orders." Dad said.

"We won't. "Cole and I said in sync. "Good. Dean and I are going to the dungeons. Debbie, Bertha take care of things in the office." Dad said.

They left and we collapsed on the couch. I pulled Lani on my lap without thinking. She blushed and it was my turn to laugh. "We can't lose, Lani." Kelly said.

"Well of course. She's our friend." Shaun said. "We're not losing anyone." Alan stated. "Yeah guys. I think we really just have to back off. It's dangerous." Cole said.

I sighed. "My life sucks." Lani groaned. "Says the princess." Alan said rolling his eyes. "I didn't mean to come off like that." Lani muttered.

"Can I say something?" Nevel asked. "Of course." Kelly responded. "There's a girl standing behind you." Nevel said pointing behind us at the door. We turned to see none other than Celine.

"Oh I just let myself in." Celine said. "One question though...why?" Shaun asked seeming genuinely interested.

"I've been worried about Ally. I haven't seen you since you went to bed after Alexander's party. I did notice a suitcase though. Did you go somewhere? "She asked.

"I'm sorry what?" Kelly asked while Alan just looked freaked out. "I brought donuts."she said holding up a box of donuts. "They're from your favourite bakery. "She added.

"That's not my favorite bakery. "Alan stated emotionless. "It's mine though." Shaun said taking the donuts. "You told me-" Celine was cut off.

"I'm sorry, are we going to ignore the fact that she was on our floor. In his room. " Kelly exclaimed. "You go to their rooms too." Celine argued.

"Have you been stalking us? You're insane get out." Kelly said with her hand on her head. "Who's that?" Celine asked pointing at Nevel. Luckily his scent was till masked.

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