Chapter 50

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Alexander's POV

Dad gave us permission to ditch. That's good because I didn't feel like going to school. The nerds- I mean my lovely mate and sister went.

Even with all the guards dad had trailing them, I was still worried. Yesterday there were guards but it was still too close.

Alan, Cole and I slept in. At least we tried to. Shaun kept coming into our rooms asking if we were awake. Eventually we got out of bed knowing he wouldn't stop.

Without the girls, our day wasn't really that interesting. It made me realize how  I've grown custom to having Lani around.

We had breakfast. Alan and Shaun argued about something. We played some video games. Trained with other pack members. That's pretty much it.

Here we are now, in the gym. Our private gym on our floor. Dad actually had it built it for us because we sometimes like to let out our anger and no one likes to be near us when we're angry.

"Okay, Xander and Cole. Shaun you're with me." Alan stated. We nodded, getting into position. I focused on Shaun since he was probably out to get me.

Let's just say we trained in our wolf form and I won. I really think he has alpha blood. It was difficult to take him down, well we were trained by the same people.

'Focus.' Shaun said through the mindlink before kicking me down. I immediately got back up. I noticed Cole had Alan pinned down. I winced, he got a direct hit to my gut.

He smirked. I tried to swing a punch but he grabbed my fist, delivering his own blow to the same region hoping to weaken me. Typical Shaun.

I grabbed his arm and twisted it flipping him over. He groaned and tried to get back up. I punched him and got on top of him. He was quick to flip us over.

He tried to punch me but I moved my head, his fist landed right on the ground. "Fuck."he muttered. I used the opportunity to push him off me.

I suddenly sensed a presence I was missing. I looked up to see Lani had just walked in with Kelly. Bad timing. Alan had just tried to punch Cole who dodged the attack.

Alan was headed right for Lani. Before I could panic Lani grabbed Alan's arm and twisted it, shoving him to the ground with his arm behind him. That's my girl. I thought with a smirk.

"What are you smirking about? "I heard Shaun ask. He kicked me with great force which sent me straight to Alan and Lani. I ended up knocking Lani off Alan.

We both landed on the ground with me on top of her, I held myself up as not to put my full weight on her. I blushed at the position we were in. 'This just got interesting. 'Dante stated.

I immediately got off her and helped her up. She tried using her hair to hide her blush but it was clear. "Would you look at that." Shaun said with a smirk.

"So tie?" Shaun asked. "What do mean?" Cole asked. "Like a draw." Shaun stated. "Yeah we know what a tie is." I retorted. "What we don't know is why you think it's a tie." Cole responded.

"Why not?" Alan asked getting up. "Dude." I said. "What?"he asked. " were pinned down by a literal princess." Cole responded.

"Excuse me?" Lani asked glaring at us. "How was your day babe?" I asked going in for a hug. She crossed her arms and glared. "Someone's in trouble." Shaun sang.

"Are you hungry dear? "I tried again. "I'd just stay quiet if I were you." Kelly stated. "Sorry." Cole and I murmured. "Is someone else here?" Shaun asked. "Ivy. Abby will pick her up later."Kelly responded.

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