Chapter 59

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Leilani's POV

Turns out Shaun still hasn't met his father, he's just reunited with his twin brother. Shaun told me his mum and brother were dead, he never mentioned being an identical twin.

I didn't know how to ask Shane whether he kidnapped us. I mean it would explain me seeing a perfectly fine Shaun one second and seeing a badly hurt one the next.

If I had a lost twin I'd want to be reunited, but kidnapping a person is just wrong. We went back to the party like nothing happened. We met up with Max who was speaking to some patrol guards.

"So you mean to tell me, you can't find the kid." Max stated emotionless taking a sip of his wine. "We searched the rogue lands at the north,west and east borders." A guard responded.

"Okay so, I'm expected to search the south borders, am i right?" Max asked with a smile that sent shivers down my spine. "No, alpha." The guard responded.

"I could end your life right now. I don't take failure so well." Max stated swirling the wine in the glass. "Dad, that won't be necessary. He's here." Alan quickly interrupted.

"You may leave." Max ordered. The guards didn't spend another second before bowing down and taking off. "No wonder my pack members are always scared when you visit." Alex muttered.

Max shrugged. "Well, who would have thought you two would end up being mates."he said looking at Shaun and Kelly. Kelly chuckled.

"What I'm really wondering about is the other half for the weird twin." Max stated. "He's right here. "Cole said wrapping his arms around Alan.

"Quit doing that. People already think we're mates." Alan muttered. "Could have fooled me." I muttered. "You kids are weird, I'm going to find your parents." Max said walking away.

"Nothing about your pack is normal." Alan muttered, he had given up trying to get Cole off him. "You should be used to it by now." Shaun said.

"Yeah, you think you're gonna take your brother up on that offer?" Alan muttered. "Leaving the pack?" Shaun asked.

"You don't necessarily have to leave the pack, I mean maybe you want to meet your father but you can come back, right?" Alex asked.

"I'm not leaving, Xander." Shaun said. "Don't you want to meet him?" Kelly asked. "I do. I want answers. If he knew where I was...why didn't he come.

All these years and now he sends my own brother to attack." Shaun growled. "Sorry, Shaun. I'm sure you'll get your answers...but you're not leaving." Cole stated.

"No, I'm not. One more thing...did you get dressed in the dark. Honestly, when I saw you, I contemplated letting Shane kill you." He stated glaring at Cole and Alex.

"I liked that outfit. "Cole murmured. "I leave for a few hours and you embarrass my name. "Shaun sighed. "Also, why's Nevel dressed like Alan?"he asked pointing to Nevel and Ivy. They were with Celine.

"We're both wondering." I muttered. Celine spotted us or maybe she sensed Alan. She waved over happily. "No, she's coming here." Shaun murmured.

"I'm getting some food. I'm eating for two now." Cole said. "What happened to the other three?" Alex asked. Cole glared at him. "Well, someone's not gonna get some." Cole stated walking away.

"Hey, Ally." Celine greeted. "She obviously isn't here for us." Shaun muttered rolling his eyes. "May I have this dance gorgeous? "Shaun asked offering hand to Kelly.

Kelly took Shaun's hand and they left. Alex was about to say something but Alan cut him off. "If you leave me with her, you'll be burying a pack member."Alan muttered.

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