Chapter 57

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Leilani's POV

"He went after the rogue king? Is he insane?" Alan growled. "No, he's hurt. He had to pick me over his father yesterday." Alex said crumpling the note and throwing it.

"He left?" Kelly whispered. "He said he'll be back." I said trying to lighten up the situation.

"Unless he dies. He has no idea where his father is. He's just parading around rogue territory with the scent of alphas and royals." Alan said.

"We have to find him." Kelly said softly. "How, Kels? All he said is that he's going to find his father." Cole muttered sitting on the opposite couch.

"He tried speaking to me and I just shut him out." Cole murmured bringing his knees to his chest. Alex got up and sat next to Cole.

"He'll come back." Alex said placing his hand on Cole's shoulder. Cole shrugged it off. "Not there yet?" Alex asked. "Not even close." Cole muttered.

"Don't you think that you're dragging this out?" Alan asked rolling his eyes. Cole got up to leave. "Cole, wait." Kelly said. Cole stopped and turned around.

"Shaun is gone, can you three just please make up." Kelly sighed. "Shaun will be back." Cole and Alan said in sync. "Guys." Kelly said firmly.

"Why should I? They're obviously fine without me." Cole said. "We already apologized." Alex exclaimed." I didn't." Alan muttered.

"That's enough." I said trying to end this. The boys might be annoying together but then arguing isn't exactly helpful.

"Al just apologize." Alex said. "Why should I?" Alan asked. "I said that's enough! Sit down." I snapped. The room grew silent.

"Cole, I get why you're upset but Alex is obviously sorry. Alan, you are going to apologize and mean it because you do owe him an apology." I ordered.

"And I'll do this, why?" Alan asked.

"Because he's your friend. He's obviously really hurt about you keeping this from him. How often does Cole get this upset. Stop being a bitch and admit you were wrong." I said.

It's not like I wanted to snap, it just happened. Alex sighed and Alan looked at the ground. "Can you at least leave us alone?" Alan muttered.

Kelly nodded. We went upstairs leaving the boys to fix whatever is going on. "I can't believe he just left." Kelly said when we got to her room.

"He'll be fine. He can defend himself, I'm sure he'll be back by sunset." I said trying to reassure her.

"What if he doesn't come back. I told him to leave me alone and he did." She said, her eyes welling up with tears. "I don't know, I do know he hates seeing you sad." I said to calm her down.

"He said he'll be back by dinner. It means he'll be back in time for your party. Let's get two outfits ready so he won't be able to take his eyes off you." I said.

She blushed. "Why two?" She asked. "You might shift. We have to be prepared." I said going over to her closet.

"Now enough crying. No more tears should be shed over a boy. Especially not today, because today, you rule the world." I said. She smiled.

"Okay so we settled for this green jumpsuit, but I'm thinking after you shift we go with this silver dress. It's cute and will go with your wolf.

You and Cole have different positions but you're still twins. I'm thinking your wolves will be grey since the beta is powerful." I said.

She stared at me shocked. "Why does it seem like you are much more prepared than me?" She asked.

"I probably am. Oh and the crystal waist line will go perfectly with the hair clips. I'll be right back." I said rushing out.

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