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Your lips are like wine, and I want to get drunk."

William Shakespeare

"Your whole existence is attractive to me, Ghost," I continued, my voice barely above a whisper. "You are my nemesis, the bane to my existence, a poison that runs through my veins, through my heart, who neither lets me live nor die. Two sea shores that cannot meet."

As the words hung in the air between us, I felt a sense of vulnerability wash over me. I had bared my soul to him, revealing the depths of my feelings in a way I had never dared before. Now, all that remained was to see how he would respond.

The room is dimly lit casting long shadows on the wall. Scented candles burning in every corner.

He stood there near the door like a shadow himself. His presence commanded attention.

Dark brown hooded eyes full of lusty daze in them.

Wearing a black hoodie and jeans with his tactical vest, his rugged allure was undeniable.

This man could destroy me and I won't complain.

You said you don't want to hurt me, but it hurts every time I look at you," I whispered, the words escaping my lips in a hushed breath. My heart felt heavy with the weight of my confession, the ache of longing pulsing through my veins.

He gulped, his adam's apple bobbing up and down at the sight of the most gorgeous woman laying infront of him on the bed.

Wearing black lingerie and a black silk gown which was totally opened from the front, didn't do justice in hiding my figure.

My eyes were glued on him. A fire of desire burning inside them ready to engulf him in its flames.

Simon's gaze bore into mine, his eyes dark and unreadable. For a moment, the world seemed to stand still, the air thick with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.

I was testing him brutally. He was on the verge of breaking. A volcano of desire going to erupt at any moment.

But he stood there calm and composed.
His tattoo peeking through the space between his gloved hand and his sleeve, this ignited the fire in me.

His calm demeanor, his whole charismatic personality brought me on the edge.
He exuded an irresistible magnestism. Standing tall, he seemed both daunting and alluring On the verge of release. A paradox I couldn't resist.

As I lay before him desire pulsing through my vains, but I stopped as a wave of pain halted me. I couldn't go through it alone. I could never reach that high ever.

That is why I was untouched my whole life.

I broke out in small sobs infront of him.

Standing on the marbled floor I approached him smoothly walking towards him. My small petite frame came to a halt merely inches from him.

"Mark me, take me, claim me, make me yours." I pleaded. Tears cascading down my little face.

His voice, laced with concern and longing, pierced the air calling me by my name.

His trembling lips moved under his mask.

"Don't do this to me. I will destroy you." He pleaded. His words a mixture of desire and anguish as he stood on the verge of breaking with ecstasy.

"Then destroy me." I whispered tilting my neck upwards so I could see his eyes getting darker.

"Nora!" He gasped.

His large hands wrapped around my arms completely enveloping them.

"Simon!" His name escaped my ecstatic lips.


What have you done- Within Temptation

Rain by Sleep Token

Hey beauties! Hope you are doing good. This is my new Ghost book. Would appreciate your votes and comments. I'll be grateful.

Sinful Desire - Simon "Ghost" Riley as Billionair's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now