Seduction 💋

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"I love you for everything you are."

"Laswell! This is Ghost. You copy?" Ghost asked in his comms.

"Copy! You ok?" She asked.

"We are under attack. Put backup on standby and evac." He said.

"Roger that." She replied.

Ghost fired at the Hispanic men who had jumped over the wall, five in total. They scattered around the mansion, seeking cover and advancing in a coordinated assault. His heart pounded in his chest, the only thing on his mind was Nora's safety. He couldn't let anyone reach her, no matter the cost.

He moved swiftly, his sniper rifle a seamless extension of his body. Each shot was calculated, precise, taking down the intruders one by one. But they kept coming, relentless and determined. The sound of gunfire echoed through the grounds, mingling with the shouts of the attackers.

Ghost's mind raced as he strategized, knowing he had to keep them away from Nora. The mansion's layout was his advantage, every corner and vantage point memorized during his time there. He used this knowledge to outmaneuver the attackers, taking them by surprise and reducing their numbers.

As he reloaded his weapon, his thoughts flickered to Nora, hidden in the stable. He had to keep fighting, keep pushing, to ensure her safety. His resolve hardened with every heartbeat, every shot. Failure was not an option.

In the midst of the chaos, Ghost called out to Laswell again, his voice steady despite the tension. "Laswell, this is Ghost. We need that evac and backup now."

"Roger that, Ghost. Hang tight," Laswell responded, her voice crackling through the comms.

Ghost took a deep breath, focusing on the task at hand. He couldn't afford to let his emotions distract him. Nora's life depended on him, and he would do whatever it took to protect her. With renewed determination, he continued his relentless assault, his mind and body working in perfect harmony to eliminate the threat and keep her safe.

In that moment, as I crouched behind the haystacks, my hands trembling around the gun, the echo of gunshots filling the air, I had a sudden realization. This man, this protector, meant more to me than I had ever acknowledged. The way he fought for me, risking his life without hesitation, revealed he was more than just my guardian. He was something much more significant.

The weight of the small gun felt foreign in my hands, yet the memory of Simon's unwavering confidence in me bolstered my resolve. Each gunshot that rang out was a reminder of the fierce battle he was waging for my safety. My heart pounded, not just from fear, but from the deep, burgeoning affection I felt for him.

As the chaos swirled around us, I made a silent vow. I would surrender my body and soul to him. I would stand by his side, through whatever trials came our way. Simon had shown me a trust and devotion that I had never known. In return, I would give him all of me, unconditionally.

Sinful Desire - Simon "Ghost" Riley as Billionair's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now