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"Sometimes the hardest battles are the ones we fight within ourselves."

I don't know for how long I was out. When I woke up again, I was still lying on the same spot on the floor. As I came to, the excruciating pain started again. It was like someone was twisting my insides. The bleeding had grown heavier, soaking almost all of my jeans. I couldn't even get up to use the bathroom to check myself, to understand what was happening with me.

A bottle of water and a sandwich lay next to me.

Desperation welled up inside me as I reached for the water bottle, my hands trembling. I managed to unscrew the cap and took a sip, hoping it would give me some strength. The sandwich remained untouched; my stomach churned at the thought of eating.

Tears streamed down my face as I lay back down, clutching my abdomen. The pain was unbearable, and the fear of losing my baby gnawed at me.

Simon's face flashed in my mind. I needed to hold on, to survive for both of us, but the darkness threatened to pull me under once more.


"Graves' Shadow Company and Mexican Special Forces will help you. We need El Sin Nombre alive." Laswell's voice echoed in the briefing room.

"Ghost and Gaz, you will head over to Las Almas. Gaz, you'll provide overwatch, and Ghost, you'll breach along with the Shadows. We'll do this in the dark, so bring your night vision. Lights will be out in La Casa De El Sin Nombre," Captain Price explained, his voice steady and authoritative.

Ghost nodded, his mind focused and determined despite the storm of emotions brewing inside him. Gaz, sitting beside him, tightened his grip on his rifle, ready for the mission ahead.

"This is our chance to get her back, Ghost," Price added, his eyes meeting Ghost's. "We're bringing Nora home. Stay sharp and watch each other's backs."

Ghost's jaw clenched beneath his balaclava. "We'll get her. No matter what it takes."

The team dispersed, each member preparing their gear for the operation. Ghost's thoughts were solely on Nora, the image of her in danger fueling his resolve. There was no room for error; failure was not an option.

As they soared over the landscape towards Las Almas, Ghost's thoughts were laser-focused on Nora. He had to get her back, no matter the cost.

Upon landing, they were greeted by Phillip Graves, who stood ready with his team. "Good to see you, Ghost, Gaz," Graves said, his voice steady. "Let's get this done."

Gaz quickly set up his sniper position, scanning the area through his scope. "I've got eyes on the guards at the gate," he reported, steadying his aim. His finger gently squeezed the trigger, and the first guard dropped silently. Another shot, and the second guard fell.

"Gate's clear," Gaz confirmed.

Ghost, along with the Shadows, moved swiftly, breaching the mansion with precision. The night vision goggles turned the dark surroundings into a vivid green battlefield. The Shadows moved like phantoms, silently taking out anyone in their path.

Graves, his helicopter ready for extraction, watched from above, coordinating the ground team's movements. "You're clear to proceed to the next level," Graves instructed over the comms. "Remember, we need El Sin Nombre alive."

Ghost's heart pounded as he navigated the corridors of the mansion, each step bringing him closer to Nora. The thought of her suffering fueled his determination. This mission wasn't just about orders-it was personal.

"Moving to the next floor," Ghost whispered into his comms, his voice a blend of calm and fury. He could feel the weight of the mission, the urgency to save Nora, pressing down on him.

Sinful Desire - Simon "Ghost" Riley as Billionair's Bodyguardحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن