When I saw you

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Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day."

"How are you feeling, kid?" Captain Price asked, his voice a comforting presence as he escorted Nora down the corridor towards the meeting room.

Nora glanced up at him, offering a small smile despite the lingering weight of grief and exhaustion. "Quite well by now," she replied, her words tinged with a hint of weariness. "But I am feeling hungry."

"Hmm, what do you want to eat? I'll let our chef know, he'll make you your favorite dishes," Price offered, concern etched in his features.

"Oh no, no need for that, sir. I'll manage. I'll eat with the team in the cafeteria. No worries," Nora insisted, not wanting to inconvenience anyone further.

As they continued their conversation, Captain Price led Nora into the meeting room, where his team awaited. "Take a seat," he said, gesturing towards an empty chair beside a man with a mohawk who greeted her with a friendly smile.

"This is Soap," Price introduced, before turning his attention to the other members of the team. "And this is Gaz," he said, indicating another member.

Lastly, his gaze settled on a figure standing in the corner, his presence commanding attention. "And this is Ghost," Price announced, his voice carrying a note of reverence.

Nora's eyes followed Price's gaze, meeting Ghost's intense stare. There was something magnetic about him, something that drew her in despite the unease she felt under his penetrating gaze.

As Ghost's eyes locked with hers, Nora couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability wash over her. She quickly looked away, turning back to Captain Price with a grateful smile for the introduction, but unable to shake the feeling that Ghost's gaze had seen straight through her soul.
"Thank you, Capt Price," Nora said, offering a polite nod of gratitude.

"So she passed out on Ghost last night," Soap chimed in, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

Captain Price turned to Soap, his expression unreadable. "Yeah, I had a panic attack there," Nora admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Hmm," Captain Price murmured, his gaze flickering between Nora and Ghost, who remained silent but observant.

Soap couldn't resist a chuckle at the situation, earning himself a sharp glare from Ghost.

Captain Price cleared his throat, bringing the focus back to the matter at hand. "Let's stay focused, gentlemen," he said, his tone firm but not unkind. "We have important matters to discuss."

Nora shifted uncomfortably in her seat, feeling the weight of Ghost's gaze still lingering on her. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had somehow crossed a line, and she silently vowed to tread more carefully.

"I-I am starving. Soap, can you take me to the cafeteria?" Nora asked, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

Soap couldn't believe his luck. Here was a beautiful woman, asking him for help. He tried to maintain his composure, clearing his throat before responding. "Of course, Nora. I'd be happy to," he said, flashing her a charming smile.

Nora returned the smile gratefully, relieved to have someone willing to accompany her. As they made their way to the cafeteria together, Soap couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at being chosen for such an important task. Little did he know, this simple gesture would mark the beginning of an unexpected bond between them.

Sinful Desire - Simon "Ghost" Riley as Billionair's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now