Part 22: Meeting Robin Hood

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Bali – date unknown

When Brooklyn and Sil arrived in this beautiful paradise, their first night was clear and could see the stars, and they had explored it. There had been no civilization. But by the next day, Sil had to abandon Brooklyn to get out of the heavy rains that started coming down. He was searching for a cave to get out of the elements. Or under a rock, anything. He soon found one and fell asleep.

But come nightfall, Brooklyn looked around in concern for Sil. He started getting wet upon awakening too, but he had to find his friend first.

"Sil! Sil, where are you?" He called out for him.

Sil soon woke up at the sound of Brook's voice. "I'm over here!" He called back.

Brooklyn was grateful to find him in this cave. "Why didn't you wait for me?"

"It was raining nonstop and had to get out of the rain." Sil replied.

"Oh well. It's alright. At least you're safe." Brook said. "It's a nice cave you found. It's big enough for the two of us at least."

"Yeah. But what about food?" Sil asked.

"We'll have to go find it when the rain stops." Brook said.

They waited for a while, and it rained most of the night away. When Sil got too hungry, he would often complain. He couldn't help it. Brooklyn wished there was something more he could do to comfort him but there wasn't.

The rain finally stopped after 2 am and they both went out to look for some food. There were only fish in a creek nearby to eat at the moment. Sil had become quite a good fisher and hunter for himself and Brooklyn.

Sil caught up to four fish for them both. They took them back to the cave to cook them up. Sil gladly at his raw, but Brooklyn wanted his cooked. They made up a fire and it warmed them up along with cooking the fish.

It was a good meal before dawn.

"We'll see about seeing the other islands soon when the rain stops." Brooklyn said.

"Yeah, pretty place this is." Sil agreed. "I was also wanting to ask, if it was possible, could I have my own pet one day?"

"Might be better to wait until we return to Manhattan, but we'll see how things turn out." Brook replied.

"It's just the dog did kind of make me want a dog of my own, how loyal he was, and how loyal Bronx was just as a dog." Sil explained.

"Yeah. I know what you mean. I miss ol' Bronx." Brook admitted.

"Miss him too." Sil said.

"Someday." Brook stated.


But they never got that chance as every night for the next month they were there was nothing but rain. Sil was in his lightest robe possible.

Brooklyn reluctantly did most of the hunting now. He also found a few fruits in the trees too. Food was the only motivator that would make them leave their cave home. It was warm enough they didn't totally need fires.

Sil's eyes had learned to adjust to the darkness. They both glared out of the gloom of the jungle. The rain was making them more and more disheartened. Monsoon season was here, and it wouldn't leave.

"Wish this rain would stop." Sil declared.

"Same here." Brooklyn agreed with him. "As soon as we're able, we'll get out of here."

But it wasn't long before the Gate decided that it had had enough, and it soon took them both away again. They were glad to leave.


England – 1192

On their next dance, Brooklyn and Sil were deposited in the English landscape dealing with what they had only seen on tv back in their native Manhattan, of having seen the cartoon movie and other live action human movies based on the life of Robin Hood of Locksley. Robin and his Merry Men.

Brooklyn and Sil both got to ride horses for a change. For Brook, it had been a while. It was amazing the horse he rode didn't spook at his presence. For Sil, he was a little nervous about getting on a horse for the first time, but he soon found it extremely fun.

Brooklyn got a new nickname from the men, Will Scarlet, due to his coloring.

Sil had made friends with Little Robin, who also came up with a nickname for Sil. When Sil told him of his 'royal lineage,' that spurred it too. It ended up being Prince Puka, after looking like a bird with his face, and looking a bit like a trickster, the Puca was a shapeshifting bird trickster in Irish folklore. Sil liked it.

When the men found out about Brooklyn's turning to stone in the daytime, Sil was also tested on his fighting ability when some of the men started fight practice. Sil was glad to show them what he had in his fighting arsenal abilities.

Robin also showed Sil a bit in archery too, how to shoot a bow and arrow. It was exhilarating. He was also shown how to make one should the need arise someday somewhere else.

With his fighting abilities rewarded for taking out some of the men but not hurting them, they rewarded him for letting him come along on one of their raids to get gold to feed the poor. That was their mission.

Sil was a big help in frightening the Sheriff's men. Fighting them off too.

When Brooklyn awoke later, he also helped to take on the Sheriff's men in the Nottingham Forest.

Robin found out later that the abbot, who he had thought was his friend to give money to the poor, turned out to be betraying him. The abbot and the Sheriff were part of a secret organization of the ancient order of the Illuminati.

While they had been gone, the Sheriff's men had found Robin's hideout and arrested the Merry Men, including Little Robin. Sil had been with Brooklyn like he usually was.

Sil was so furious that he knew he wanted to save his new friend and Brooklyn was happy to see that the Skeksis wanted to take on the guards too. They would save Robin's men.

They both later helped Robin confront the Sheriff's men who had captured the Merry Men. The guards were scared of Brooklyn's glowing eyes and looks, as well as Sil's looks and hisses. Plus, the four arms that he possessed holding four swords, one of them his dagger.

The men were freed, and they all escaped into the forest again. They would have to find a new hideout deep in the woods. Brook and Sil helped them get where they needed to go. They also knew that Robin would one day marry a fair maiden called Maid Marion, but he couldn't be told of that.

Brooklyn and Sil were whisked away before they could complete their say about anything else.

Robin wanted to end his rivalry with the Prince John. He turned himself over to him to end it. But he also turned into a hero for the people, but the downside was he worked alongside the Illuminati.

King Richard later gave him his blessing to marry the girl of his dreams after his brother Prince John had been dealt with.

Sorry this is so short, but next chapter will be longer. Chaps are short or long depending on ideas. Just couldn't think much more for this one. 

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