Chapter Twenty - One🥀

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"Alec." I said out loud in surprise, staring at his figure standing at the doors. He was wearing normal clothes, no robe. Black pants and a black collared shirt with black sneakers? I stared with my mouth slightly open and oh how handsome he looked.

His red eyes were glued to my face and I remembered that I was crying hysterically just now. "Rory? Are you still there?" Embry's worried voice came over the phone and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry Embry, I'll talk to you later okay?" I said with a little regret and Embry sounded like that too. "I guess he arrived?" He mumbled and let out a small huff and sighed. "We'll talk later, then you can tell everything." He said trying to lighten the mood. "I'll call you." I said and put the phone back in my pocket as I got up the stairs. Alec narrowed his eyes as I wiped the tears from my face and looked at him.

"Why are you crying?" He asked after a little silence and I cleared my throat. "It's nothing, I just.. miss a little home and I miss my friends." I quickly explained to him and Alec raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"And who was that on the phone? More dogs?" He asked wrinkling his nose a little and I furrowed my brows at him. "Embry is my friend nothing else." I said firmly and he gave a small nod. "Those dogs don't know how to stay away." He mumbled out loud and I crossed my arms over my chest. "Embry's not a dog, he's a shape shifter." I told him back and he ignored me. "You were about to tell him something until I interrupted." Alec said, or rather asked. His figure surrounded me as he walked closer to the stairs, eyeing my gestures.

I stood there silently and watched with side eye as Alec stopped by my side and as if he was listening to something. My heart must be failing me again. "I was about to tell him that I've decided when I'm coming back to Forks, I want to go there at the end of July." I explained and Alec stood for a moment silently staring at me.

"Well, it's still more than a month away." Alec said slowly and I gave a small nod. Soon, however, he stepped in front of me and put his hand under my chin, lifting my head up.

"I apologize about earlier, this is all just new and I'm confused about everything." He started by looking into my eyes. "I'm just a little curious." I answered and Alec nodded in understanding. "Everyone is talking about how you and Jane have never trusted anyone." I spoke carefully so he wouldn't get angry and disappear again.

"You must be implying that you want to hear how me and Jane changed." He said and I smiled shyly. Alec held out his hand. "Can I?" He asked and I put my hand on his. Alec led me out of the castle away from everyone's prying ears.


We stood near the castle looking down on the city and I turned my eyes to Alec who had turned to look at me expectantly.

"When Jane and I were young, we were bullied in the village we lived in." Alec started to speak and I widened my eyes a little surprised. "Strange things happened in the village and they accused us because they thought we were freaks, everyone thought we were witches." He continued and I felt my shoulders drop and my expression change. "I'm sorry…" I said but Alec shaked his head.

"Don't be, tesoro." He said quickly while turning away from me. We stood in silence for a moment and I didn't know what to say but Alec beat me to it. "One time I went home early because our mother was waiting there, I left Jane alone to pick flowers. A couple of our ages from the village found her and kicked and pushed her." He continued and another silence came between us.

"We didn't walk apart anymore, we didn't trust anyone, that pointing and pushing continued for years, and half a year later when we turned seventeen, we were burned at the stake." He told me blankly, looking straight ahead as if he were reliving those horrible memories, I stepped closer. "Alec." I said quietly out loud but his vampire hearing heard it clearly. "Aro found us and changed us." He said curtly, staring straight into my eyes now.

"That's horrible." I was a little shocked, I didn't expect it to be like that. "I've never loved anyone or had a crush on anyone, I've never felt anything for anyone. I'm still mad at humans and I don't trust anyone." He suddenly explained and I looked him in the eye.

"I understand you better now and why you're a little confused about this." I spoke stepping in front of him closing the gap between us. I breathed slowly and glanced at his face which was still expressionless, oh how I could put a little expression on it.

"Alec." His name came sweetly from my lips. Alec's eyes landed on my lips and I opened them slightly again. "Can I kiss you?" I said loud before I thought and Alec's eyes quickly came back up to mine.

We looked at each other in silence, as if reading the other, and thoughts. His bright red eyes were no longer bright, they were dark red, like burgundy. I'm thinking about how they change color, I only know that if the vampire hasn't consumed blood for a while they turn black.

But he can't suddenly become thirsty in my company, can he?

I snapped out of my thoughts when Alec closed the last gap between us and we were chest to chest, he's maybe ten centimeters taller than me and he was looking down at me. His hand came up to my face, tucking a hair behind my ear. "You are beautiful, my little human." He grumbled bringing his face closer to mine.

"If you want?" His voice was quieter and I nodded my head. My heart was beating faster, Alec's lips were close to mine and I was breathing heavily. I raised my hand around his neck, feeling at the same time how his other hand took me by the hip, pulling me closer if that's even possible anymore.

And just like that, Alec's lips met mine and everything exploded, the rest of the world around us disappeared. It was just the two of us. His lips matched mine perfectly and how they moved in rhythm. I felt big butterflies in my stomach and Alec slowly pulled away, but the hunger inside me wanted more and I pulled him back, connecting our lips again.

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