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Prithi's POV:

"Abort? What are you even talking about Rudra ?"

"We already have two kids and are happy with our small family cherry...I don't want to see you again lying on the bed with that big bump fighting for Life....I am scared that it might make you feel the pain cherry"

" Uff rudra you scared me for a second.... don't worry's god gift we shouldn't reject it... I am really fine with it moreover last time it was twins this time we aren't sure so please let me keep it...I too wanted to experience every little thing a pregnant woman feels since I lost it in my first pregnancy please Rudra" I kept puppy eyes pleading him...

Finally Mr.grunts nodded...

We both then went to kindergarten to pick up all three kids we took them back home and they all went to the playing room...

I took fruits to the playing room and it was filled with all of them.... Priya Karl and all three kids... I forgot to mention but Grandma expired while I was in coma so i didn't even get a chance to have a last look at her i miss her a lot...

I then annouced my pregnancy to everyone Priya Karl were really happy but kids didn't understand they all rounded me...," kids so I wanted to tell you guys that you are going to have one more sibling... With you I don't know if it's a girl or boy but you all should accept him okay?" I said trying to make them understand...Ruhi stood clueless. While Jace hugged me happily saying," yay... Mommy I ll have one more sibling..." I smiled for his enthusiasm...

Prakit with a stern face replied,
" I don't want a sibling  I don't want to share my toys..." He concluded... listening to both of them Ruhi turned even more confused and ran towards her dad... saying," what should I react daddy... I wanted a sibling but I don't want to share my toys..." She said pouting...all of us laughed seeing her reaction....

After 3 months,

I did my first ultrasound scan,
And to my surprise it's again a twin it would be too hard to convince Mr.grunts I thought and went out...

Rudra stood staring out from the window...I went and placed my hand on his shoulder. He said,"as I feared the worst occured cherry....let's try if we can discontinue now as I really don't wanted to risk you we are happy with Ruhi and Prakit right..."

" No rudra we have no right to kill the foetus.. don't worry about me I ll be perfectly alright with you by myside..." I said trying to help him understand... though he wasn't satisfied by my reaction he couldn't let my stubborness go....

So he started Caring for me like a baby....later I conceived two healthy baby boys....

Now we are a family of 6 and in total a family of 9... Our family is filled with joy.... though Prakit wasn't able to accept his new siblings he soon changed his mind and cared for them too....

All my friends had a meet up today with our families....

Vijay married a new woman who treats Aisha like her daughter but Aisha never calls her mom she refers to her as aunt...they both fell in love at his work place I am happy that he is finally a family man... But Aisha will always remain my first daughter....

Ralit and his wife had two beautiful kids a boy and a girl...he is also happy with his family life...

Finally Priya Karl with Jace are a perfect family...

I and Rudra with our four kids...

We were so happy in my journey of life... seeing all of us together reminded me every moment of my life who had a few troubles,few happiness, few naughty things,few sourful things... But in the end its the one who is with us in all of these and My Rudra is the one for me....

I still remember the way we both fought on our very first date...I still cherish our time together....he was made for me and I am made for him...I am really in love with Rudra...he is my this journey of my life there were many people coming and going but in the end the people with me right now were my constant support in life... helping me complete it with utmost sweetness... I saw Rudra writing the last page of his diary...

Rudra's POV:

All of her friends had a meet up with their families....My cherry looked more than happy to see all of them together...all I could do was to just mesmerize her beauty.... Since it's the last page of my diary though I didn't wanted to end it but everything has an end point so.....

Her smile reminds me of all the good times we had together....she was the cure for my every problem....she is mine now she is just my little cherry...

Though we have 4 kids together....she always appears as a child for me so cute so little.she started gazing at me at this moment I just want to seize this moments forever...I don't want my life to move on.. happy with my wife and this is my love for my little cherry

The end.....

I finished completing the diary and placed it back in our bag...I then went towards her and she approached me too...I then pecked on her cheeks making her turn into my actual cherry she blushed smiling uttered out,
"Stop it Rudra kids will be watching us..."
"Let me show them how to treat their wife's in future...."
"Shut up Rudra".

We both were smiling soon the twin boys came towards us saying that they saw a peacock they both dragged us to the peak where all others were standing all my four kids joined me...we enjoyed the view and tried seeing the peacocks.... I then lifted Ruhi with my one hand,  then one of the twin pouted saying," I am the smallest dad you should pamper me..." He is so cute...I lifted him with another another twin starting crying," I too want to get pampered by daddy" I bent down to he immediately jumped onto my shoulders I took all of them to a walk... My cherry lifted Prakit as though he acts like a elder he is still a kid....we were living our lives to the fullest....

Though our story ended but yours is still on it's way I found my little cherry who gave me a defination for my life....hope you too find yours....Love isn't really worth it until you really find the one who deserves it and gives us back with the same intensity....

Hope all girl readers get their Rudra's
All male readers get their cherry's who would complete their life and stand by with every up and downs until the end....

Prithi's 22 years old waitover was worth it meeting Rudra...

Author's message:

Finally though I don't wanted to end my series as i am emotional too much attached to it but as already told everything has an end....

But Every end is a new beginning for something new.....

Thanks readers for being with me upto now...

I hope the time you spent on my work is worth it if not I am sorry to let you down...

It's not a good bye it's just a bye you guys soon.....

Would you like a sequel? I mean though I have no such ideas upto now if yes do comment or message me if you know me...I would really feel grateful....

Thanks for your time ♥️

Love you sweeties❤️

Do shower your immense love ♥️

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