Day 1

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Just a clarification, I'm taking the Imperfection Dare by beyoutiful1d. In thirty days, you're supposed to write about a topic assigned for each day just to bring the fun back in writing. :)

April 1, 2013

Day 1: Write a Scene in a Coffeeshop

"Connor, stop it!" I hissed at my friend, Connor Bentley, while taking a careful sip of the steaming cup of white chocolate mocha that he suggested I order. His eyes were currently fixed on the door, his neck craning around to watch the petitte blonde sashay in the coffee shop we were in. I almost reached over and smack him upside the head.

"Stop what?" he asked me innocently, turning back in his seat to face me. His knees collided with mine under the tiny table between us. I don't understand why Trey prefers to hang out in this seaside cafe all the time. The drinks are overpriced and the tables are tiny.

"You're supposed to be fake-dating me!" I told him in annoyance, "You can't keep on checking out every girl that comes through the door!"

"Come on, Bailey! Spring break only comes once a year. Girls don't come through the door in mini shorts and bikini tops all year round. Let me have some fun!" then he added, "I did agree to come with you despite my busy schedule, didn't I?"

"Pervert," I muttered under my breath.

Connor and I have been buddies ever since I could remember. I don't know why we became friends though, when we're the complete opposite of each other. A good example would be how I ordered a hot drink and he prefered a cool iced one. Maybe it's because we were always seated next to each other in class because our last names were next to each other when arranged alphabetically.

Bailey Barnes and Connor Bentley.

"Remind me again why I'm doing this?" Connor asked me, stirring his drink with his straw. I watched the liquid go round and round with his straw.

"Because you owe me," I told him brattily.

"Hmmm. I don't remember borrowing any money from you lately," he said, rubbing his chin in fake contemplation.

"You asked me to be your date to show Harper that you're already over her, remember?" I reminded him. Connor can be quite forgetful, sometimes, especially when it came to appreciating things that I have done for him. He's good at remembering my faults, though.

"I thought that's what friends do," he countered, "They do each other favors."

"Friends also repay each other in favors," I said to him convincingly.

"Hey," Connor told me, remembering something, "I paid for our food that time, how come I get to pay this time again?"

"That's what guys do," I said, mimicking him, "They pay on dates."

"I don't think fake dates count," he reasoned.

"Fine," I conceded, "I'll pay next time."

"And the time after that," he pushed.

I rolled my eyes at him.

At that moment, my idiot of an ex-boyfriend, Trey Hollis walked into the cafe. He looked as handsome as always. Okay, fine. Maybe he wasn't much of an idiot. He's the captain of the lacrosse team at school. His board shorts hung perfectly off his hips and his white, almost translucent shirt showed off his toned abdomen. I sighed dreamily.

I know. I know. I really should get over him, but how do you get over someone as gorgeous as that?

I was too busy daydreaming, I almost did not notice the girl with him. She looked nice, but quite plain actually. I checked my appearance. I was wearing my best tank top and my most flattering short shorts. Connor had  actually laughed at me when he picked me up from my house. I don't usually wear short shorts in fear of being called chicken legs or teased for huge thighs, but today was an exception.

Today, I wanted to be noticed.

Trey and his new girl picked a seat by the front of the cafe, right next to the window. I guess they wanted a view of the beach. Con and I had a view of the sparkling blue ocean and some parts of the harbor. Seeing the pair settle down, I immediately reached for Connor's hand and pretended to gaze into his eyes dreamily.

"What are you doing?" he asked me, perplexed, slipping his hand out of mine.

"He's here," I hissed at him in annoyance.

He smirked in understanding and took the lead. He held my hand again.

"You think this is believable?" I asked Connor nervously, "I mean, he knows that we are friends. Won't he find this normal?"

Con shrugged. "What's not normal for friends then?"

I slapped his hand, all of a sudden.

"He's looking this way!" I said in panic, "What do we do?"

Suddenly, Connor was kissing me. His mouth tasted like sweet chocolate and his hand on my cheek was warm. The kiss was gentle and nice, everything I wished my first would be. I just never imagined I'd be sharing it with Connor.

When he pulled away, Trey sure was staring at us.

But I did not really care.

Connor, my best friend, my fake-date, and my buddy, just stole my first kiss!

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