Day 27

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April 27, 2013

Day 27: Write a scene that is humorous.

With all the upper body strength in me, I propped the stupid window pane open in annoyance. I leaned outside the window sill as my sweaty, lotion-slathered hands slipped from its support and I hung at an awkward position halfway out the stupid window, getting dust and grime on my favorite white cotton shirt.


I straightened myself up and saw Drake laughing at me silently while ruffling his windswept hair, a helmet tucked under one arm. He was wearing a leather jacket over a black and white striped tee and combat boots. Beside him sitting quietly on our lawn like a trained pet dog was the meanest Harley I've ever seen.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper-hissed at him, " Some people actually go to sleep at night, you know! You revving the engine of that piece of junk of yours isn't appreciated, at all! And what is that you're wearing?"

He just shook his head and just smiled up at me. He looked great standing there on my lawn like it was the most normal place to be in the middle of the night, under the tree in our backyard.

"Can you come down?" he asked in a normal voice.

"Shhhh!" I hushed him in a panic, "No! I won't go down there! What do you want, Drake?"

"Aaah," he said, pretending to be considering something philosophically, "There are a lot of things that I want. It is a part of human nature to keep on wanting ang wanting, and never-"

"Okay!" I interrupted, annoyed, "I meant what do you want from me!"

"I want you to drag that ass of yours down here."

"No way! I'm not -" I started to say but was cut off by the window below mine - the living room window- burst open and light spilled out into the lawn illuminating Drake's outline. He looked at the window the same time I did and was now smiling at someone from inside.

Grandma poked her little head through the window and turned her face up to catch a glimpse of me. She looked really angry, the creases on her forehead becoming more defined and her posture too tense.

"Just come down from your tower, Ashley!" she yelled at me, sending the dog's neighbor yapping, "Talk to this young man already and let us all have our good night's sleep!"


"No more shouting through the window!" Grandma shouted through the window just as the neigbor's lights turned on again because of the yapping, "Come down! It was nice to meet you and I hope you can come over again sometime."

She pulled the windows closed and disappeared. I looked at Drake in pure embarrassment.

He shrugged and smiled smugly at me.

"I'll be right down," I muttered like a deflated balloon as I made my way downstairs, all too conscious of what I had on and everything else.

Like the color of Drake's eyes.

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